unweighted gpa

<p>My freshman gpa just screwed me up completely. a 3.33 unweighted.
then, i got 4.0's soph and junior year so far. My unweighted now goes to a solid 3.78. I understand that freshman year isn't the year that is "eyeballed" as much as soph/junior year, but really, in reality, will my crappy freshman year grades just screw me up. (p.s i got one C, and 4 B's that awful freshman year). There was a sickness in my family during my freshman year, but I am not sure if it will look like I'm desparate. (the sickness wasn't like a cold or anything by the way)</p>

<p>dunt worry. trust me. You are basically over reacting about your freshman grades. Even though they are not solid, you have an extremely good overall gpa. Besides, you said there was sickness in your family. But how sick was the family member? The sickness cannot be like a flu or anything, but more on the lines of say, tumor, cancer, a major surgery, etc...something that might have an effect on your family significantly.But I am guessing your family had a serious illness. With that said, you are really set. Upward trend looks great as well as the fact schools like the UC's, Stanford, Princeton, etc. (Not sure how many more schools) do not look or take into consideration of freshman grades. DO NOT WORRY and have a beer. ha just kidding.</p>

<p>^ I agree with rexrun467. Your freshman gpa isnt horrific.. just write a good essay, get some good ec's, and get good reccs, and you are set. Chill out and as rexrun467 said," have a beer" . ha hilarious</p>

<p>i'm in the same boat...except I had like 5 Cs'...but my avg was still a 3.3. My soph year, I avg. a 3.8 adn took a more challenging course load, so hopefully it will all work out. I am aiming for brown, but do you think that those C's will completely kill me?</p>

<p>how about DON'T have a beer, but relax anyways ;)</p>

<p>They say to explain low grades if a divorce or something affected them, so I'm sure they'll understand.</p>

<p>Plus who doesn't like steady improvement year to year?</p>

<p>An upward trend is better than a downward trend. It's better to go from low freshmen to a high soph/junior grade than the reverse.</p>

<p>Don't worry. :) 3.78 unweighted is a good GPA. Concentrate on the other areas of the application packet and I'm sure you'll do fine!</p>