Unweighted/weighted GPA

<p>What should you report? Simply, the higher one?</p>

<p>My weighted GPA is 3.986 while my unweighted is 3.7.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>The weighted GPA is pretty much always going to be the higher one, but you should report the unweighted GPA because every school weights differently.</p>

<p>Unless the schools ask you to calculate the GPA in a different way, you should report your GPA the way as it is shown on your transcript and marked it as weighted or unweighted accordingly. Nevertheless, the admission stat often shows uwGPA in 4.0 scale which is more universal.</p>

<p>Even though you report a GPA, the admission office will still calculate on its own to avoid error.</p>

<p>My son and I attended a College Fair a couple of days ago and they all asked for his unweighted GPA. I agree with billcsho that the uwGPA in 4.0 scale is more universal.</p>

<p>Go with what they ask for. If I remember correctly, the common app asks for the gpa your class rank is determined by. Our daughter’s school ranks on weighted grades but both gpa’s will be on her transcript. The non- common app schools ask for a particular calculation.</p>

<p>Edited to say that I double checked and the common app does say to use the weighted rank and gpa if available.</p>