UofA without loans or UCLA with loans?

<p>What do you guys think? In the long run, would it be better to go to UofA without having to take out any loans, or to UCLA and pile up $15,000 per year in loans?</p>

<p>I think it is more of what is the S/D major? Film then UCLA, Business then UA or maybe laser/optics #1 in the country ---UA. Does your child want to go to law/medical/dental/grad school, then save the loans for that. There is nothing harder in life than to have $60,000 hanging over your head for a Art History degree, for an engineering degree not so bad. </p>

<p>It's all in what you want in life...college debt that you are paying for 10 years latter and you can't qualify for a house because of it or freedom to buy a car after graduation, buy a house a few years later.</p>

<p>Thanks for your insight afa81. I forgot to mention, my son wants to study EE. What's your take on that?</p>

<p>Personally, I would prefer a FREE education rather than paying $60K.</p>

<p>In a reality 65% of students change their major. MANY go into engineering and thermal class kills them. They change to something easier. My S is looking at UA for CE/Chem/CS. My daughter is a Jr. in PoliSci and History majors. </p>

<p>She loves the school and she is an OSS also on scholarship. Though she jokes you can't swing a dead without hitting someone from Cali.</p>

<p>Have you been there on the tour? My son contacted the Engineering Dept. 2 years ago for a research project and they emailed back and forth with him. The are very friendly and helpful. </p>

<p>Average engineer makes 50K/ average poli sci major 24K.... have a big boy talk about this is your life and this what is important to him debt or going to school debt free. My feeling is there is no one perfect school.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input afa81 and sweetdreams2k1, I appreciate it! We're going to go visit UofA before making the final decision.</p>