Update and Inspiration

<p>I'm writing this thread because I think it's important in this time of joy for some and disappointment for others that we remember we all have been through both.</p>

<p>The last time I posted on this thread was in December, the day EA decisions came out. Yale deferred me and I was frankly shocked because despite my modesty, I had expected to get in. I cried. My mom cried. Then after a couple days, I picked myself back up and moved on. I ended up applying to nineteen schools, including all 8 Ivies. Overkill, maybe, but right then I needed that insurance.</p>

<p>Yesterday I checked my accounts at 2 pm along with 50,000 other eager applicants. I was lucky enough to be accepted at Cornell, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, Brown, Princeton, Harvard, and Stanford. I was rejected by Yale.</p>

<p>My first thought, embarrassingly enough, was something Chuck Bass said on Monday night's Gossip Girl: "Been there, done that, been dumped twice".</p>

<p>More graciously, perhaps me and Yale, in spite of how much I love the school, are just not meant to be. I'm a big believer in making your own destiny, but this, I can only attribute uncontrollable fate.</p>

<p>So Congratulations to everyone who got in, and to everyone who didn't, and everyone who's applying next year, or the year after - know that options abound. Know that in this long, tortured process you can feel as low as you can feel about yourself and three months later find a beautiful gift of choice tossed lightly into your lap.</p>