Update in Student Center?

<p>To all of the freshmen applicants who are still waiting for their decisions, did you notice that the option to add our mid year grades has disappeared? Maybe it would mean something...</p>

<p>Oh wow. Looks fishy… :-S </p>

<p>It disappeared for me too. What does this mean?</p>

<p>MIne is gone also. I just saw it there yesterday!</p>

<p>maybe a load of decisions are coming out soon?</p>


<p>Where was the mid year grade thing? I don’t recall it being there in the first place but after what you’ve said I feel like the tracker looks emptier than before, though it could just be my imagination. </p>

<p>It was there in the second column of the student center (after fall 2014 application and before the application material status section)</p>

<p>Oh thanks Sanjay! May have something to do with being an international/transfer applicant, but I’m pretty sure now I never had the link. I do hope we all get a decision tomorrow though :)</p>