<p>The update of the AP Biology curriculum to encompass the Big Four ideas has brought many changes into the topics that will be focused on during the exam. However, none of the review books seem to reflect that.</p>
<p>For the 2013 AP Biology test, has anyone found a study guide that accurately reflects the updated curriculum, rather than just a revamp of previous (now obsolete) review books?</p>
<p>Sorry, no helpful answer from me
I am eagerly awaiting for the response to this question myself. Since there’s a new format this year, the review guides should be updated! Anyone know if they’re out yet? Our teacher is ordering the Campbell’s review guide book, that goes along with the textbook, but I’d like to have a more consolidated version that’s not composed of summaries of our macho textbook.</p>
<p>Hey guys! Some of thee review books are out, but honestly, as far as I’ve seen, their reflection of the new test is so-so. Kaplan’s version was decent, but missed some I the signaling info that is now pertinent to the exam. My teacher said that the new Princeton review one (or Barron’s I’m not sure which one is out) didn’t really change much at all. I’m waiting on cliff notes (comes out April 4th). The best site to shop around is amazon (way cheaper in my experience). However, the new ap biology collegeboard site and course description is actually really useful! There is specificity stated what you need to know (and what you don’t) plus a practice test! It’s a massive doc, so I wouldn’t recommend printing, but it’s worth a look if you get a chance :)</p>
<p>I was a senior in high school this year taking AP Biology and was surprised to find that there wasnt any one website that had more than one studying tool so I decided to create one myself. [Survive</a> Bio](<a href=“survivebio.com”>http://www.SurviveBio.com/) is the ultimate resource for studying AP Biology. There is a collection of instructional videos, flashcards, chapter outlines, practice tests, and a question and answer section (like Yahoo Answers) to help the user study in different ways. To make the site more engaging and interactive, users can register and get points for using some of those study tools. For example, if a user answers someone else question, they get 50 points. These points can raise the user’s rank and get them closer to winning medals to show off on their profiles. Please check it out and let me know what you think!</p>