Updated Chances?


<p>I'm a junior and my current unweighted gpa = 3.58 weighted=3.9 (should go up)
SAT: Taking it in March
My current class rank is 29/166
White Female
In one of the most, if not the most, competitive public school districts in North Carolina </p>

<p>Currently taking AP French Language and AP Psychology (and next year I'm planning to take AP Comparitive Government, AP Human Geography, AP Art History, maybe AP English Lit, and a French class at UNC) </p>

<p><strong>EC's</strong> + I have the most service learning hours in my grade
-founder/co-president of the Amnesty International Club (11,
-founder/o-president of the Movie Club (11,
-Third World Relief Club (10)
-National Honors Society applicant (pretty sure I will get in though)
-JV Volleyball Captain + on Varisty (10)
-In Academy of International Studies at my school + A.I.S Board (10, 11,
-Graduation Project Committee
I have over 400 service learning hours by:
-volunteer at local elementary school every summer (9, 10, 11)
-voluneer at local library (10, 11)
-CIT for 3 weeks at a YMCA Camp (10)
-volunteer counselor at an Art Camp (9)
-volunteer at local walks (9, 10)
-childrens soccer coach (9, 10, 11)
-tutor for students at my school (11,
-freshman mentor (11)
-I stay afterschool to fundraise for the Amnesty Club-which gets me more service hours</p>

<p>i've been to summer camps like NC State Design camp (2 summers), Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer), and Minnesota College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer)</p>

<p>-Taking online marketing high school course</p>

<p>Awards so far::
NC Scholar-Athlete Award
Varsity Letter (volleyball) </p>

<p>Just let me know what you think!</p>

<p>impressive!!! are you thinking of applying as a junior?? the resume is competitive, you have a shot i think…but be sure you know why emory is best for you…the essay required specifically asks for that…so good resume above plus a good reason why emory should get you in!! crossing your finger…</p>

<p>easily in…this year emory has lower standards…my friend with a 1320, and 3.4 GPA got in.</p>

<p>I guess that’s why they extended the deadline… to get more applicants, since less applicants = easier to get in = lower ranking.</p>

<p>thanks you guys so much! I thought people would say “you have no chance” and that type of stuff b/c of my gpa, but on the SAT I hope to get at least a 2000. Nope, I’m not applying as a junior, I’ll be applying next year.</p>

<p>Any other thoughts?</p>

<p>if you haven’t visit or attend information fairs, i recommend you do so…emory likes you showing interests, and if you can’t visit atlanta, you can always order the DVD about emory which is free, and emory keeps track of all the stuff, which will give you a nudge in admission :)</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>I’m visiting during spring break (info session + campus tour) and I hope that they will see my interest. I might also do one of Emory’s pre-college programs over the summer.</p>

<p>Bigweight: if your friend is also a URM, as you are, that makes a really big difference…</p>

<p>to the op: Emory is looking to expand demographically…if you happen to be asian, hispanic or african-american your chances increase…if I’m not mistaken, the incoming class of 2012 was close to 40% non-caucasian…with an approximate 30% yield, that’s a ton of URM’s accepted…</p>

<p>i’m not asian, hispanic, or african-american lol wow that’s a ton of URM’s accepted</p>

<p>i’m sorry this might be a stupid question but what’s a URM?
i’ve seen it like a million times and i dont know what it is lol</p>

<p>I’m guessing it means underrepresented minority</p>

<p>^^^yes, it does…and fwiw, asian students do fit that designation at Emory…or at least they did b4 the last few years…</p>

<p>Asians don’t count as an underrepresented minority on virtually any major university campus. There may be some LAC’s where it would be a hook but I am not aware of any.
At this point Asians, who represent something less than 5% of the US population represent closet to 20% and definitely more than 15% of the Emory student body.</p>

<p>^ yup that’s what I heard</p>

<p>bump any more thoughts?</p>

<p>does anyone know how hard it is to get into the business school?</p>

<p>Gpa might be kind of low for emory, try aiming for a 2080+/2400 and a 1430+/1600 on the sats…Then your chances might be okay…</p>

<p>If Emory is your first choice, try Early Decision 1 or Early Decision 2…</p>

<p>Yea I’m going to try to at least get a 2000,and I might apply ED if when I visit and stuff I really love it</p>