UPDATED How competitive am I for top UC's (Com Sci)


Asian Male

Computer Science Major

Low Income

Small Fairly Competitive Magnet Public School in California


SAT: 1460

UW/W GPA 4.0/ 4.3-4.4 (Haven’t started senior year yet)

Class Rank: 5 out of 229

SAT Subjects (will retake, these are w/o studying)

Math 2 710, Physics 670, US History 650

AP Classes: Calc AB (5), Physics 1(3), Physics 2(3), APUSH(4), AP LIT(3)

Senior Year Classes: AP GOV, AP LANG, AP COM SCI, AP STATS, AP CALC BC (5/7 Classes, Block Schedule)


*President of Engineering Club (4 Years)

*CyberPatriot Program ( 4 Years)

*Mock Trial (3 Years)

*Science Bowl (3 Years)

*Church Basketball Team (4 Years)

*Church Media Team (4 Years)

*JSA Head of Debate (2 Years)


*Key Club (1 Year)

*200+ hrs of community service

Schools Applying to:

UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UC Irvine, UC Davis, USC, Carnegie Mellon, Harvey Mudd, RICE, Cal Poly Pomona, CSULA, CSUN, CSU Long Beach, San Jose State

Do you guys also have other schools I should apply to? I know my scores are low but is there hope for me?


Can you calculate your CSU/UC capped weighted GPA and then your Eligibility index for the Cal states?


Eligibility index: (CSU GPA capped weighted x800) + (SAT Math + EBRW)

You are in the ball park for the UC’s and Cal States but so are so many applicants for CS.


Update your post with information I requested and I will give you my opinion.


Consider UCLA and UCB reach schools but you look like a competitive applicant for all the UC’s and SLO/SJSU. Best of luck and make sure you will be happy to attend your safeties.

Do i have a chance at any of the out of states like rice

@Dan123098: I cannot comment on out of state schools but you look like an overall competitive applicant.