UPDATED STATS :) Chances please!

<p>Hey I'm applying RD to Cornell <3 ... What chance do you think I have of getting accepted?</p>

<li><p>US DUAL CITIZEN (European and American passport), living in the Middle East</p></li>
<li><p>School Type: REALLY Competitive Private American International school (over 80 nationalities)</p></li>
<li><p>Ethnicity: African American</p></li>
<li><p>Gender: Female</p></li>
<li><p>Bilingual- German/English</p></li>
<li><p>Graduate HS at 16</p></li>
<li><p>Major: Premedicine</p></li>

<p>ACT SCORE= 29 </p>

<li>SAT I: 1910 (650 M, 600 CR, 660 W)</li>
<li>SAT II: Biology-E (620), Math I (680)</li>
<li>Took the ACT (was sick ) Got a 27, but retook it today, Dec. 13, and think it went a lot better! Hopefully 29/30...</li>
<li>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.4): 3.7</li>
<li><p>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): No rank at my school, top 20% ?</p></li>
<li><p>Full IB Diploma, predicted score of 39/45-- Probably Four 6's and Two 7's plus one bonus point</p></li>
<li><p>Junior and Senior Course Load:
IB Higher Level Biology, English and Psychology
IB Standard Level Math, Arabic, Physics
+Theory of Knowledge</p></li>

<p>*High honor roll grades 9-11</p>


<li>Varsity Track and Field (3 years, won medals, attended international meets in Egypt), </li>
<li>Model United Nations (2 years, attended international conferences in Egypt)</li>

<p>*Volunteer/Community service: </p>

<p>-Cofounder and Vice President of Conservation Club (Raise money and awareness, give talks etc. about animal conservation),
- President of Operation Smile Club (2 out of 3 years),
- Volunteered/ Shadowed doctors at a hospital in Oman for one week (winter break)</p>

<p>*Summer Activities and Job/Work Experience: </p>

<li>Volunteered at a pediatric hospital/charity in India for one month, </li>
<li>Summer job: Assistant at a daycare in MA</li>

<p>*Essays: I think they're pretty good- show my passion for Premed and the environment </p>

<p>*Teacher Recommendations: </p>

<p>-One from my IB Higher Level English teacher (REALLY nice, She let me read it) and one from my IB Higher Level Biology teacher (counselor said it was good but I havent seen it)</p>

<p>*Counselor Rec: Really nice, he let me read it...</p>

<p>what college/major are you applying to?</p>

<p>fyi, there is no premed major at Cornell. you need to pick a specific major dealing with medicine.</p>

<p>Human Ecology,
Human Biology Health Society major…</p>

<p>(True, I know there’s no pre med :slight_smile: ) I got deferred from Brown and so I had just copy pasted the chances thread :P</p>

<p>you don’t have many long-term ECs and you’re applying for a really competitive major. HBHS is in HumEc so you might have gotten away with the low(er) test scores, if you had enough “fit”/ECs, but your ECs regarding medicine/becoming a doctor are simply one-week/one-month long ones and they don’t really represent much. your 3 years in the operation smile club might help, but it won’t offset the low SATs. then again, you’re african american so you might get AA.</p>

<p>You might get in because of your race but frankly there’s nothing terribly impressive about your application. Your EC’s related to premed are especially weak.</p>

<p>Yeah… I know what you mean about the EC’s…
The thing is living in the middle east makes it harder in terms of research internships or jobs etc. Its not the same in the US in that sense :S You can’t do that much under 18… So I had to take what I could get…</p>

<p>Yes, I think admission committees really do look on the opportunities provided, and the way one uses them. There is not much to do here, really. </p>

<p>To the OP – I think you realize that threads of this type do not predict much. General picture does, and still no one has any idea how you will compare to the rest of the applicants. I know you are probably worried, but just don’t take the responses here very closely.</p>

<p>Yeah, thats true, it’s hard to know some one off of a thread :slight_smile: Thanks, Alone :)</p>