Updated UCLA chance me

I’ve been doing a lot of these because I am paranoid about getting rejected and I just need brutal honesty so here we go.

Female, Caucasian, low income, business major, California resident, and homosexual (this probably won’t even matter)
GPA: 4.2 weighted / 3.8 unweighted
Rank: 28/390
ACT: 31
SAT: 1840
AP classes: Physics 1 (1 on exam but 1 person in my entire school passed this), US History (2 on exam), Spanish Language (4 on exam), Biology (not yet taken), Psychology (not yet taken), English Literature (not yet taken), and Calculus BC (not yet taken)
College courses: Calculus I at a local community college - I received a D in this course and the reason was explained on my app. It was a 6 week summer course, 3 hours a day 5 days a week. I moved on to AP Calculus BC because my calculus BC teacher thought I should.
Extra curricular/Leadership: Senior class secretary, Student Government (2 years), Science Olympiad (4 years, currently president), Science Bowl (2 years, currently Captain), Spanish club president (1 year and created by me), and I volunteer at a Space & Science museum for 40 hours and ongoing. I also got 60 hours of community service from Student Government, CSF/NHS sealbearer.

If I forgot anything let me know. Also, I truly believe at best I will get wait listed so anything is helpful even if it is just confirming my belief.

Also, my UC calculated GPA is a 4.0 without the D since it is not on my high school transcript and 3.92 with it.

UCLA: Low Reach
If you took a college course, regardless if you it is not on your HS transcript, it is on a college transcript and needs to be reported.
ACT score is competitive, but SAT score is below average. Your D will hurt since there are applicants with stellar grades and test scores whom still get rejected. My chancing is based on your academics. Excellent essays and your leadership positions should help.

Good luck.

Low Reach/ Reach
Again your ACT is certainly in the ballpark but it’s not amazing. You GPA is certainly below average and this will hurt you(I have the same problem). I would be surprised if you got in but not shocked. Best of luck
Chance back if you have the time?

scores and gpa are below average, but definitely if you wrote your essays well about your circumstances, no one can say you wont get in.

I consider UCLA as a low-reach for you.

Could you guys actually chance me for the other UCs too such as UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, UCD, and UCI? Thank you.

with a 4.0 I’d say UCLA is a reach
UCSD:Low reach
UCSC:low match
I’d suggest you check the average GPA of admitted students to UC’s from your schools as their may be some grade deflation going on here as a result of your AP Scores

@BucketsUCSC 4 people from my school were admitted into UCLA last year and their GPAs were 4.3-4.4 range. One of them had an SAT score of 1750 and that was their highest test score. UCLA kind of seems unpredictable to me… and my AP Physics grade was definitely inflated but APUSH was just a result of my lack of studying.

Okay so I will be posting soon which UCs accepted/rejected me for reference for future applicants

Does anyone want to break my heart before I get the real admission decisions? I need it to soften the real blow of LA’s rejection. In a week I will start posting my real admission decisions for next year’s students to have an idea of their chances.

UC Davis - Accepted

UCSC - Accepted

UCI - Accepted
UCSD - Waitlisted
UCLA - Rejected