Updates not processed on portal

Hi guys,

I was checking my application portals and noticed that my extracurricular updates (sent in February) didn’t appear on the checklist for some schools (as in, I uploaded my updates to the portal, but it doesn’t seem like they processed it because my updates didn’t show up as “Received” in the checklist portion of the portal). Is this a bad sign?


It’s a sign that you need to call and ask - maybe they never took.

This is why you check your portals regularly - so you can catch issues earlier.

But if you are saying, since nothing is there, it’s an auto reject - no. They don’t say - let’s not post this person’s submission so we can reject him.

Call each school in question -quickly.

A lot of schools do not post updates in the portal for things like EC updates. Typically it is only for required documentation like mid year transcripts.