<p>Hey Everyone!
This is my first thread, lol, so bear with me! </p>
<p>I plan on applying to UPenn and am super duper excited! Whoever plans on applying this coming year, please reply with your plan for ED/RD and stats! :) Hopefully we all make it and get to see each other next year! :D</p>
<p>ehehhe, yeah, i saw that right after i posted this.
muh baad!
I’m new at this!</p>
<p>BUT, in my defense, I asked for stats as well! so it’s a leeeeeeetle different, wouldn’t you agree?!</p>
<p>CAS ED</p>
<p>gpa: 3.87uw 4.23w
SAT: 2190(sitting)
2230(superscored) CR720 M780 W730
ACT: 33 (E33 M36 R33 S30)</p>
<p>4 years cheerleading:D
2 yrs touch football captain
120 hrs habitat for humanity
150 hrs mission trips to mexico
historian for multicultural club & student senate</p>
<p>Wharton ED (I’m really nervous about my stats and ECs. My recs should be incredible since I’m such a good person though)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.9/4.9 weighted
SAT: 2400
ACT: 36 (36 on all sections)</p>
<p>4 years Varsity soccer
4 years Varsity skiing
4 years Varsity tennis
(All-State in all sports for the last two years)
Intel Finalist
Siemens Finalist
National Merit Scholar Finalist
All-State Orchestra, Principal Trumpet, all grades
I run my own business, minor multinational valued at 24 million
Hooks: First generation college student, American Indian</p>
<p>Chances? Thank you so much</p>
<p>OMG beavercreek I just came across this post, and I know it’s old, but I totally lol-ed b/c you’re an obvious admit for not only upenn but for god’s sake even harvard. and 24 million…dude lucky</p>
<p>^I’m not sure if you’re also being sarcastic, or just fell for the ■■■■■ post…</p>