Can I apply ED to Penn and ea to MIT? I thought so but whenever I check their site I don’t see if it’s restrictive anymore because I know they changed it. Also a source please?
Based upon Penn’s website, there is no notation of any restrictions for ED applicants ( Based upon MIT’s website there is no notation of any restrictions for EA applicants ( My read is that you are fine to apply ED to Penn and EA to MIT but if you are accepted ED to Penn you are required to withdraw your EA app to MIT.
Calling @Penn95 to verify, but I believe yes you can apply to both.
@akshar13 Yes it is not restrictive. You can apply to MIT. But you will have to enroll at Penn if you get into both. You can call to double check if that will reassure you but this is policy. The restrictive policy never came into effect really. they reversed it before they had a chance to enforce it.