Upenn vs. dartmouth vs. columbia

<p>I’m really excited to have been accepted to these prestigious schools; however, I’m having a really tough time deciding on which I’d like to attend. To make things worse, I’m not entirely sure what I want to major in either (perhaps bio, premed, or liberal arts). I’d really like to know the pros/cons of each one regarding academics and campus life. I could really use some advice. Thanks.</p>

<p>Well they're all damn different from each other.</p>

<p>Dartmouth is supportive, close-knit liberal arts college, in the middle of nowhere.</p>

<p>Columbia is sink-or-swim research university in NYC. More classes to choose from, and more things to do off campus (perhaps too much, as some people complain NYC's attractions drain attention and energy away from the campus</p>

<p>Penn is a sink-or-swim research university in Philly. Like Columbia, it has more classes to choose from, and more things to do off campus (but not to the point where it affects campus life...at Penn, the focus is very much on Penn's campus).</p>

<p>I personally wouldn't have it any other way than Penn</p>

<p>JohnnyK, what do you mean by sink-or-swim?</p>

<p>I think he means nobody is gonna hold your hand and remind you 20x when things are due. I'd go
(1) Penn; (2) Columbia, (3) Dartmouth </p>

<p>but in the end it comes down to what YOU want for your college experience.</p>

<p>I'll write more later, but for me:
1) Dartmouth, 2) Penn, 3) Columbia.</p>

<p>Columbia is great for grad school but socially its the pits.</p>

<p>penn columbia forget dmouth small college</p>

<p>"To make things worse, I'm not entirely sure what I want to major in either"</p>

<p>Dartmouth's liberal arts approach might best suit you then. It may be in the middle of nowhere, but it certainly isn't boring. Not to mention, that whatever you do end up deciding to pursue, you will surely get a fantastic education at Dartmouth (unless you're thinking engineering, which is probably unlikely).</p>

<p>Good luck though! And realize that with whichever you do choose, it won't be a bad decision - they're all great.</p>