<p>I was just wondering if anyone could give me some insight...I'm trying to decide whether or not to apply to UPenn.</p>
<p>I was accepted early to Georgetown School of Foreign Service...I want to do international relations, so their program seems perfect to me. I also love DC! </p>
<p>I also applied EA to BC also, and was accepted. I applied to UNC EA but won't hear back until mid-January. I have submitted applications to Duke, Princeton, Harvard, and Yale for regular decision.</p>
<p>I know this is something I probably have to decide according to how I feel, but I was wondering if anyone might have some advice. I know you are not supposed to go by rankings, but UPenn is ranked higher than Georgetown - is there really a difference between the two? by the same token, Georgetown is ranked quite high on the Foreign Policy Magazine rankings of international relations programs, and UPenn doesn't make the top 20.</p>
<p>Would UPenn add anything significantly different or important to my list?</p>
<p>About Penn vs Georgetown in terms of IR, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better IR program than Georgetown. However, if your interests are in business and international relations, I suggest you look at the Huntsman program [Huntsman</a> Program in International Studies & Business](<a href=“The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business - The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business”>The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business - The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business). If you don’t have the qualifications, or are not interested in business, Penn does have a pretty good IR program. It’s a fairly popular major and it’s graduates go on to do great things. I believe poster ilovebagles was an IR major at Penn if you have any questions about the major I’m sure he would be happy to answer them. I wouldn’t say that ranking on US News should influence where you go to college, and if you are 100% sure you want to be an IR major I’d strongly suggest you go to Georgetown for the major. However, there are certain aspects of Penn on the social and non-academic side that you might want to look at that I would much prefer at Penn than Georgetown. </p>
<p>If it’s not too much trouble, I’d strongly suggest just applying to Penn and researching more on it in the next few months. I’m sure you’ll have a better perspective on what you want out of college in April than you do now and you’ll be better off turning down admission to Penn than wishing you had applied.</p>