Upper div math courses over the summer?

<p>I'm considering taking two of the following classes over the summer: Math 104, 110, 128A</p>

<p>Anyone know what's the work load for these classes over the summer? How are the professors? Is the grading more lenient?</p>


<p>Generally, summer courses like that are taught by grad students, not professors. You’d need to check each class individually to see who is teaching it.</p>

<p>I don’t know if grading is more lenient, but I certainly don’t think it’s harder than during the year. What year are you? </p>

<p>If you haven’t done 110 before, I’d definitely suggest it. I don’t think 104 is as interesting as people say it is :)</p>

<p>Oh and yes, courses are taught often by grad students. Be warned - SOMETIMES grad students can be much more demanding in courses than professors, because they’re young and just took the classes, probably were hot shots at them, and remember the more advanced stuff in each of them. I know this was the case with 110 this past summer.</p>