<p>So, how about the GE classes for other colleges?</p>
<p>I heard people said in Sixth college, they only need to take 2 upper GE CLASSES. They only need to focus on their major requirement. And then finished....But other colleges, we have to take a lot of upper division GE classes??? I want to know the Upper Division GE classes of every college of UCSD.</p>
<p>P.S.: I will be junior in economic major in UCSD- muir college. I have already finished IGETC (lower division GE classes) in my college.</p>
<p>I tried…but instead of your response. Could you please give me some useful information or website???</p>
<p>I went to many website regarding to this issue. They have different saying. I am lost.</p>
<p>Thank you very much!!</p>
<p>Then you must not be very good at using Google because I typed in “ucsd muir upper-division requirements” and got what I wanted on the third hit. Also, it hardly matters what the other colleges’ requirements are because people are rarely able to switch colleges.
Hey, StanEda, did you steal my toothpaste? I can’t find it, so don’t be shocked if you see me using yours for a while.</p>
<p>I’m out of toothpaste… and meal points…</p>
<p>Yours is still there, though. I should know, I’ve been using it LOL.</p>
<p>No wonder my toothpaste mysteriously reappeared in my bin… I’m tempted to make an OVT run later tonight, but I’m sorta sick of breakfast burritos.</p>
<p>cant you two have this conversation vis a vis? (no homo) (?)</p>
<p>don’t be so closed-minded; it’s LGBT pride month after all, by presidential decree :)</p>
<p>i always kid when it comes to (no homo) jokes
this is what happens when i live with fratboys my first and second years</p>