Upper divs

<p>I am a chemical engineering major. What is the policy for taking upper divs in other majors.
I would probably like to take classes in any of these:
poli sci

<p>are there limitations? can i get around those by petitioning or something?</p>

<p>Law? Very few classes under the law department sans maybe a fiat lux or two are taught for undergrads. Psych has some restrictions I think. History shouldn’t be an issue. Sociology - seminars and that sort are probably major-restricted. Just look at the classes you’re interested in within the dept and see what restrictions they have. generally, for history unless they’re 191 or seminars, it should be easy to get into… and poli sci, for ANYONE, is annoying irt enrollment</p>

<p>you cant sign up for upper div econ classes w/o taking the pre-reqs, most of them require 101 or 102, the least is 11, and you must take 11, then 101, then 102, well you get the idea. also its not open to ppl whos not econ majors. same thing with polisci. you cant register for upper divs unless ur a minor or a major. the only upper div econ class that is w/o any restrictions is econ 107, history of econ theory.</p>

<p>history upper divs are only open to major in first pass. you can get in second pass, but most of the popular classes will be filled. still, theres plenty of not so popular classes, so it shouldnt be a problem getting. in. 191 seminars are only for history majors.</p>

<p>for upper division management courses, the only ones that i can think of that don’t have mgmt 1b as a prereq is mgmt 108 (business law), mgmt 107 (business communications), and mgmt 109/mgmt 127c if you do the summer travel study. you can sign up for them during second pass.</p>

<p>i believe all upper div econ classes require you to have taken econ 1 at the very least. most have econ 11, 101 as a prereq. i have taken one econ class where only stats was the prereq, but that was a special case. generally speaking, econ classes here are not worth your time. take mgmt, sociology, psychology… but dont bother with econ classes.</p>

<p>econ 11 with mcdevittizzy (mcdevitt) will be a sure way to drop ur gpa…big time. econ theory classes are not made for the faint of heart…so dont take it. mgmt courses are all number crunching true wastes of time. if you want sit there and do 4 basic calculations (plus, minus, division, multiplication) using a 4 function calculator all day. be my guest. sociology is a JOKE…psych is not that far from being a joke.</p>

<p>haters - go sit in on social theory and social theory ii [soc 101 + 102]. have some fun with marx and weber. thanks.</p>

<p>go sit in mcdevitt’s econ 11 and tell me you can even imagine about passing the class. even when he works out the EXACT same problems that he will test you on the exams. thank YOU. and of course, the scope of international currency exchange is way beyond your grasp.</p>

<p>of course the latter is macro…something you know nothing about</p>

<p>haters i didnt mention anything about econ or econ11. im just saying dont underestimate everything and try reading anything related to social theory before making blanket statements. unfortunately, we cannot all be as “mentally talented” as you are .</p>

<p>what do you mean that they are a joke? like they’re supposedly easy? the op is in engineering, so i’d assume he’d want to take classes outside his field that are interesting. from what i hear, the psych, sociology, and history departments aren’t too shabby; they actually have diverse course offerings with engaging lecturers who dont bore you to tears. to me, a lot of econ classes are a joke because they’re poorly taught, uninspiring, and involve more “number crunching” than a lot of mgmt classes.</p>

<p>yup, thecheesecake, i need some north campus classes in my life!</p>

<p>oh and btw, im a girl =)</p>

<p>psych requires psych 10 as a prereq to basically anything, so unless you took the AP psych exam in high school, you can’t just enroll in upper divs. also, core psych classes are restricted to departmental majors until second pass, and most are restricted to juniors and above.</p>

<p>Unless you want to take a fifth year, stick on the HSSEAS schedule. You fail any ChemE class and you’ll be delayed a year (they are only offered once a year). Take other classes during the summer or easy load quarter.</p>

<p>I took mostly HIST classes in summer. (Fun I might add)</p>

<p>econ classes are so called “poorly taught” because they need the right people to grasp the concepts. the econ dept. at ucla is nationally ranked. and PLEASE do not be so ignorant and say that the econ theory classes requires more number crunching than ur upper div mgmt classes. i personally am an econ major and i have plenty of friends who are accounting minors. so i KNOW. i know a person who was a biochem major till junior year and then switched to sociology in his senior year and will be graduating on time. you cant even imagine to do the same thing with econ. the person who switched said that sociology is a joke…i was merely quoting his words. so yea thats what i mean when i say ITS A FRICKING JOKE.</p>

<p>^ yes, and i would also know what i’m saying because i am in the dept major as well as the accounting minor. i didnt realize people couldnt read between the lines and figure out that of course i did not literally mean that econ classes were exactly like mgmt classes, just that at ucla, they focus way too much on quantitative side of economics… too much of the numerical problem sets, equations going on and less on the intuition, implications on public policy/choice, and philosophical side of economics.</p>

<p>well i mean, we have the philosophical side for upper divs. like sociology, you dont teach advanced social theory starting at sociology 1, do you?</p>

<p>no… doesn’t work that way… anyway it’s like comparing apples and oranges if we’re going to try to compare how soc and econ are structured. truly if you’re curious, just look @ the course catalog?</p>