UPS & FedEx Notifications

Is it time to talk about setting up text and email notifications from the courier companies?

Don’t forget DHL!


Is there a list of which schools use each service? I’m looking for Gunn, Westminster and New Hampton (I know none are commonly discussed here but am hoping someone knows).

Just a warning that in past years, this approach was misleading at times (notifications received but no package/acceptance, no notice received but an acceptance and package arrived…).


I looked back at the 2022 thread and I’m still lost as to how everyone signed up and was able to receive a notification🤷‍♀️


What? What for… I think I’m behind the 8 ball again…

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Many schools send packages to students they accepted (containing school “swag” - stickers, banners, t-shirts… things like that) and people look to track if a package is heading their way from a town that a school they applied to is located…



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Thanks for the reminder! We already receive “USPS Informed Delivery” and Fed Ex informed delivery. Who else would you recommend…DHL? I know it’s hot or miss in terms of accuracy! We are going to be on vacation when decisions come in, so it will add another layer of alerts for me to track from the beach chair. :slight_smile:

For those who wants to track the notifications, make sure you have the kid’s name on the account.

No notification doesn’t mean no admission, but a notification from a certain place is always an admission. In some cases you can see the package was sent from the admissions office. You could have known as early as afternoon or evening on M8.

It brings a lot of anxiety. Better for parents to do it than the kid.


In our experience, the packages we received came after M10, so there was no early notification. Please do not get hung up on this.


Yes, definitely. I haven’t even mentioned to the kid that this is a possibility. And, honestly I don’t expect it to really matter given what I’ve heard about the reliability of the notifications (or delays, etc.).

I didn’t know it was possible to do this! Can anyone share how I can set up this notification?


We never signed up for notifications, but for one school last year, we received the package on March 9. Took the edge off heading into the big decision day.


Is that more likely if we live closer to the school?


:100: no notifications last year but 4 acceptances; 2 packages arrived on 3/10 and the other 2 over the following day or two. Don’t waste your time on this—unneeded stress!


I honestly have no idea. But I would be surprised if that happens very often. I came home from work, looked on the porch, there was a package with my kid’s name on it, no one had even checked or looked at it the whole day/night! Once I had made the discovery, I nonchalantly said that they may want to open the package they had received . . .


We will just wait till M10 to check emails and portals. Don’t want to add extra stress for something uncertain.


To me, it’s like someone offered me a free chance to have a peek into the future without the ability to change anything. I may not see anything but there’s a chance I could.

It was 2 years ago during the 21 cycle. I had resisted the temptation on M8 and most of M9. But the freakout thread was exploding at the time. Kids were reporting notifications and false alarms since M8. There were jokes and serious analyses of different situations almost nonstop. Pressure was intense and anxiety high. Finally I couldn’t resist any more and took the bait at about 3pm on M9.

When I saw the empty notification folder, I was disappointed and regretted that I did it. For like 2 hours it stayed that way. Then when I refreshed it a couple hours later I saw one. And that was it. Felt excited and relieved.

A free roller coaster ride.


How did you even do this?


Create an account for each of the 3 delivery services on their websites or through their apps.