Milton - FedEx
St. Paul’s - USPS
That would be my guess. Congrats!
Look again (Fed Ex). It’s updating by the minute…
We just got that too, from UPS.
Still looking for info on Gunn too. As well as hotchkiss, pomfret Berkshire, Canterbury and some others. Haven’t read anything on here about those schools yet
yup! congrats!
That’s the same address my daughter’s Andover package came from 2 years ago. Good Luck!
Can someone send around the address from which the Exeter package is delivered?
I don’t think Canterbury sends a package. My daughter’s friend goes there, and I don’t recall her talking about any sort of swag package arriving.
Admissions Department
20 Main Street
Exeter, NH
Thank you!
After refreshing Fedex constantly since the first reports of Exeter notifications yesterday, we finally have one. Clearly, they didn’t all get scanned at the same time.
Westminster sends packages via USPS. Ours arrived morning of March 10 but we are local.
thank you!
Are you on east coast?
Sorry should also mention we got no notifications for the Westy package (or any of her packages!) and we have informed delivery.
Yes - midatlantic
Interesting. I wonder what makes some of these packages make it thru the system without you being notified if you have everything set up. Well that does give me more hope bc I was starting to think that those who didn’t get any notices last year must not have had notifications all set up prior. Thanks for giving me a bit more hope
For FedEx. Also, do you know what service Choate uses?