UPS & FedEx Notifications

Where do you live?

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We are in the NE part of USA. The UPS app changed the delivery from label made to delivery date.

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Congrats! We are seeing nothing from Middlesex so kinda bummed as it is our first choice but happy for you!


Thx! Seriously don’t lose hope though…!

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Boarding or day?

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Boarding, and you?

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Day, but no notification at all so now freaking out. I wonder if that means definitely no.


Not at all. You still have a good chance.

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We’re waiting on MX day also and have no notification. So … who knows?


Wouldnt everyone have the UPS notification as well?

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No I don’t think it’s that reliable. I saw a lot of posts on this thread saying that they checked but didn’t see anything and still got accepted.


I’m not sure. I also am not confident that I set it up correctly or early enough to catch a package. Could be that my DD did not get in, it’s hard to tell. I’m wondering if other MA schools are sending boxes though, not seeing most posting pictures, just a couple of schools.

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Not sure which MA schools, but BUA and Commonwealth (day only) seem to send in mail, on 10/9…I may or may not have stalked their ig accounts for pics for last 2 years :rofl


international heree- DOES THIS MEAN I GOT IN


yea you prolly got in then
you make me want to sign up for this lol


omg yay!! actually we didnt sign up for it, the email just came but it is probably because we dont live in the US

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We had the same thing happen with a different school - didn’t sign up for notifications, but got an email with details anyway. Congrats!!!


Do you guys think there is a chance at being rejected even though a label was printed? When I first saw it, I thought it definitely was an acceptance. However, I remember last year I got mail rejections from (non-boarding) schools, and this could be similar. Also, the label is printed but the package has not been dropped off at a shipping center. And it is only 3 pounds, which I’m not sure is enough for a t-shirt, water bottle, etc. anyways, I’m rambling, but what do you guys think?

I don’t think a 3 lb box would be a rejection letter. My DD’s acceptance box from SPS last year was .13 oz.


No way it’s rejection. Don’t overthink. As long as it’s sent by admissions office, you are golden.

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