UPS & FedEx Notifications

How did you path end? Did your child get in somewhere?

Does anyone have anything from St. Paul’s yet? looks like that label someone posted from last year was dated 3/9 … maybe there is still hope

Yes we had this last year from SPS

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So, if you did not get a notification on UPS about a school that others have gotten, would you assume that you are not getting in?

OMG! I think we have a package coming in (phew) at a local day school (BUA).

USPS package from the right zip code has been scanned, at about the right time to match their ig stories! (They had on their stories images of them going to the PO and you can see the zipcode of the PO on wall;)

That said, no name on it the tracking, so could be something else, but fingers crossed!

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I wouldn’t assume that, no. Lots of reasons scanning isn’t perfectly reliable, they may have sent them out in batches, etc.

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In other words, good news is good news.

No news means nothing either way IMO.



After creating my FedEx account, the screen still looks like this around 4days. Is this normal? Do I need to do something? Thanks!

Yes, that’s normal

Lville package arrived


Super, too fast:) M9

To your house??

Kimball Union package arrived! Never had any update on our US PS notification page. If you don’t get a package today does that mean no for the rest of them? It seems like packages are coming out earlier than the 10th ?


No, packages will continue to arrive for the next week or so. Our package last year didn’t arrive until 3-4 days after M10 (Vermont Academy).

And congrats!

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Last year on gunn admissions ig it looked like the packages were going usps. You could see them inside the van before it pulled away. I’m assuming they’re doing the same thing year but who knows. And in the meantime - still no notifications! Argh

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I didn’t get any thing yet :sob:

Well, since 03301 is the St. Paul’s zip code, I have a confirmation!! So excited :sob::heart:


If they went today, I don’t think we’d be notified yet (that’s what I am telling myself…lol) I’m still holding out hope…only 15.5 hours until we know for sure!


If at all based on what seems to be happening to some on here. But yeah I think best case we would get a notification tomorrow but fyi usps informed is still wonky so who even knows


Thank you - and that is good to know !