UPS & FedEx Notifications

No (added) stress - I was probably going to keep refreshing anyway…lol!!!

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I ddi not get a new notice but did get invited to a UPS webinar :rofl:


Same here.


Congrats - which school?

For those of you who applied to Gunn, did you get an email with portal login instructions? I am just now realizing we never got an email from them – we applied and interviewed there in early January, so on the late side but still before Jan 15th. I just emailed the admissions office!

Got a usps pre shipment notification! For razor delivery lololol :sob:

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Has taft updated anyone yet? They have not posted anything on their socials😭

Yes I did get from gunn. A while ago and a reminder email about it approx a week ago


eeek! not sure how I didn’t realize this until now. We even interviewed with the director of admissions! the SSAT portal shows our application as 100% complete. Hopefully they will email us back tonight!

I bet they will. Good luck to you and your child!


Yes, they ended up fine. I was just expecting March 10 to be a huge “yea or nay” day. But for many, you remain in purgatory for a little longer because . . . waitlists.

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Yes, we did.

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Haha I googled it and figured out the portal site and was able to login with my email address. Phew! Luckily it is the same management system that the school I work at uses!


That’s what I’m afraid of! We need significant FA and am afraid that may land us on the WL. But I’m keeping my fingers crossed for unexpected good news tomorrow.

The ups and downs!! Well at least we know it updates throughout the day!!

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Fingers crossed for you!!


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We are the same for my D26 top school. He knows it is a longshot…

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Im wondering too, theyve been pretty silent on this on instagram and youtube, im thinking they arent sending packages out

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Could you explain how to find this?

Welcome to Informed Delivery section??