UPS & FedEx Notifications

i think answer is no but do any schools ship stuff to international applicants


I have asked this a few times this year. Seems like some do and some don’t. One person last year said their kid was placed on a waitlist and then a “congrats” box showed up at their doorstep weeks later . . . turns out they had been taken off the waitlist, but the family didn’t know until the box showed up. No email or call, but I guess maybe it had been noted in the portal, which they hadn’t checked again because they had already received the initial admissions decision and didn’t realize it might change in the portal without any other notification.

I’m really hoping at least one of my daughter’s schools does and that she is accepted to that school! :rofl: It seems so exciting and makes it “real”, especially for those of us so far away that can’t make revisit days.


Agreed. We had the “Master” button last year and received nothing from Fed-Ex.


That is the start screen
Not an indicator of any packages


Anyone got Andover UPS notifications yet? Was both Mondays for 2021 and 2022.


No, not yet

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If it makes anybody feel better, I’m on a text strong with out 12 other parents with kids who are applying to many of the schools we have discussed here and nobody has received a notification yet about a package.


do these schools ship internationally?

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In my fedex account it shows that i have one shipment but i cant open it. I’m assuming everyone gets this when opening a new account? Please get back if you know the answer

Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 6.56.25 PM

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you are correct

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I wouldn’t read much into this. Our daughter was accepted to Andover last year - we did not get any notification from UPS but there was a package at the door on M10


Ok, thank you so much.

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Were you signed up using your daughter’s name? Just curious.

Thank you for your kind words. :crossed_fingers:

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Yes we were


me! :slight_smile: LOL…that was a fiasco - not sure it would have changed the outcome (DD24 is doing smashing at her choice) - but it would have made logistics for us parents wayyy easier (kids would have been 45 min away from each other vs 5? hrs away)

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Lvill package notice on UPS


Allegra Printing?


yes, click on details

Many thanks!