<p>How much would an upwards trend help me? I understand that uofm places an extremely high emphasis on gpa, and while my 3.74 isn't bad (by usual standards) it's on the lower end of the uofm admissions.</p>
<p>However; my freshman year was a big reason for that
9: 3.2
10: 3.8
11: 4.0</p>
<p>And i've taken lots of online/extra courses to try and compensate for my poor freshman record. My school doesn't weight but I've taken an extremely rigorous schedule (7 honors, 7 AP) Any idea how this will be seen by uofm admissions?</p>
<p>I had a similar upwards trend, I start classes at umich on Tuesday.</p>
<p>Is this the case often? I know 3.7’s are usually reaches, however not all of them show positive trends. I’m curious of michigan’s take on the matter.</p>
<p>Personally, I feel that your 3.74 is a good 3.7 GPA and based on your trend, you should be accepted as long as you don’t have any major holes, i.e. 24 ACT, horrible teacher recs, no ECs, etc, are IS and don’t bomb your senior year. I saw a few people from my high school get accepted with 3.7s with upward trends similar to yours.</p>
<p>No my SAT’s and Ec’s are all excellent/above average (2250 SAT, 34 ACT, NMF, ) etc, gpa was the major concern I had though.</p>
<p>I think you’ll easily get in.</p>
<p>you sound like a good fit given your test scores and your GPA seems to be about average</p>
<p>A low GPA freshman year will likely be forgiven if everything else checks out…which in the OP’s case, it does. I think match/slight reach is about right.</p>