Urgent!!! College of Engineering requested my first quarter grades

I just got an email request to send my first quarter grades? Is this absolutely necessary? I'm worried because I got a C in AP English this quarter. My teacher has like 20 years of experience and she is a very hard grader and I ended up with a C. Will this bring me down drastically in terms of admissions to Engineering? I got a B in AP English during my Junior year. I got mostly As and 2 B+ in the rest of my classes. </p>

<p>Any advice is appreciated.

<p>i think the grades are mandatory…and even if they weren’t, it would look better to send them than to not.</p>

<p>if they asked… you should send. it would be really dumb not to- that makes you seem worse than just someone who had a rough time in one class: they may think that you are either hiding something or are being negligent. </p>

<p>from what i’ve heard (not directly, but from ‘people who know people’- take that as you will) by now they have already established who is likely to be admitted and who is likely to be denied, for ED that is. according to these self proclaimed ‘in the know’ people, 1q grades could either put applicants ‘on the bubble’ into either the accepted/rejected categories. also, if you were likely to be admitted already, it is highly unlikely that your 1q grades will change this. they may just ask you about what happened in which case you may have to state your case. don’t fret too much, 1 quarter will not change a 3 year body of work too much.</p>

<p>uhhhhhhhhh what about if you haven’t been asked for senior 1st quarter grades…?</p>

<p>then… dont send them</p>

<p>no i mean like… some people have been asked and some people haven’t… what do you think is going on…?</p>

<p>wait, has everyone here received the email requesting 1stquarter marks from CoE? </p>

<p>just wana know if its EVERYONE, or just SOME, I’d imaging everyone whose applied to CoE and Cornell has received everything would be getting an email requesting the marks… or else they use like BlueDevilBBall said, the marks might put you on the bubble O.o</p>

<p>btw I got one too, and my GC faxed it on Friday - the day i received the email</p>

<p>oh btw… I applied for CAS… maybe 1st quarter grades request is only for CoE prospective students ?</p>

<p>just CoE because we are better anyways</p>

<p>Is there anyone who applied to CoE, but did not get an email requesting the submission of 1st quarter grades?</p>

<p>why are you taking AP English twice?</p>

<p>AP Lang then AP Lit, probably.</p>

as bestwhit said, I took AP Language and Composition in 11th and this year am taking AP Literature. Sorry for the confusion, but most schools in my area refer to it as AP English II.</p>

<p>Oh really? Our school doesn’t even offer Lang, they call Lit “AP English” and it’s for seniors only.</p>

That’s interesting. Which exam do you guys take if its a general AP English course? AP Literature? For me, AP Language is a bit easier because its more writing oriented. AP Literature is all reading and analyzing with a little bit of writing…hence my C.</p>

<p>We take the AP Lit exam, and we do non-stop reading and analyzing while taking the occasional break to write a nice in-class essay worth about 1/4 of your grade. For example, the poetry analysis essay straight from a practice AP exam we had last week?
It basically sucks, but the literature isn’t as bad as the Brit Lit stuff we had to read last year.</p>