*URGENT FINANCIAL HELP***... Stuck/didnotdo financial Package..pleae help... 0efc*

well i just found out yesterday that schools like penn and cornell and probably dartmouth had additional financial information due on the first of February!</p>

<p>The thing is I did not know i had to do css/fasfa by like the first because my counselor told me not to worry about it unto i get in!! Well she was obviously major wrong.</p>

<p>This is so important to me because my family makes about 25K per year (family of 4). i cannot even dream about going to private school if i dont get aid...</p>

<p>my question is what do i need to do specifically for darmouth (or if you know for penn/cornell/brown/northwestern/nyu) besides fasfa. i am finishing css profile now.</p>

<p>any steps, even the basics i need to know!!</p>

<p>thanks everyone</p>

<p>The CSS Profile for Dartmouth was due February 1. The FAFSA should also be completed (basically you need the information from the FAFSA to fill out the Profile). You can get a fee waiver from the College Board I believe if your family’s income is below a certain amount. Filing the FAFSA is free. </p>

<p>Once you send the CSS Profile, the College Board will then send you something called an IDOC. For Dartmouth, you will need to send a cover sheet, and your family’s 2008 taxes by March 1. If, for some reason, you cannot send your 2008 taxes, call the Dartmouth Financial Aid office and ask if you can send your 2007 taxes until your family completes their 2008 taxes.</p>

<p>Make sure you follow the very specific instructions for the IDOC. You’ll have to make a cover sheet, fill it out completely, and then send the information Dartmouth requires. I believe that they also need something called a “Verification sheet” but you’ll see that when the IDOC information goes to you.</p>

<p>These deadlines are important. My recommendation would be to make a call to the Dartmouth financial aid office and tell them your situation and ask if they have any advice. My experience is that these offices will try to do what they can to help you.</p>

<p>Hope this helps you and good luck.</p>

<p>file the fafsa
file the profile</p>

<p>As I told you on the other board, print out the IDOC cover sheet
Fill out the IDOC cover sheet and as Pennyworth said, mail it with a signed copy of your parents 2008 taxes and the verification sheet.</p>

<p>All document sent to the College Board must be accompanied by your personalized IDOC Cover Sheet.</p>

<p>Send IDOC Cover Sheet and required materials to:</p>

<p>The College Board IDOC
P.O. Box 4017
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864</p>

<p>link to the other stuff you need to send for Dartmouth Financial Aid</p>

<p>[U.S</a>. Citizens and Permanent Residents](<a href=“Home | Dartmouth Admissions”>Home | Dartmouth Admissions)</p>

<p>You posted this yesterday. People told you what to do so I start to wonder if this is ■■■■■■■■. Call the school!! No one can help you at this point but them. And please let your advisor know she advised you incorrectly so she won’t do it to others.</p>

<p>You won’t make it at Dartmouth if you don’t learn to move quickly.</p>

<p>haha thanks guys!
well see if i can make it.</p>

<p>also i wish i can call the school but living on california makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE to call the east coast. When my school is out, most admissions offices are already closed…
thats life i guess!</p>

<p>so i finally finished CSS and started on IDOC!
anyways so do i just need to mail to collegeboard or to institutions also?
like wise if 2 of my private schools dont have institution specific documents, do i not provide one? (sorry for these lame questions…my mind is going whack right now)</p>

<p>Only mail to IDOC if your school uses IDOC.
If a school doesn’t have institution specific docs then don’t provide anything.</p>



<p>hey bob: what are you doing at 5:30 am Pacific Time? How about 6:30 am? If you can’t figure out how to make a phone call to the east coast when they are open… :rolleyes:</p>