*URGENT FINANCIAL HELP***... Stuck/didnotdo financial Package..pleae help... 0efc*

well i just found out yesterday that schools like penn and cornell and probably dartmouth had additional financial information due on the first of February!</p>

<p>The thing is I did not know i had to do css/fasfa by like the first because my counselor told me not to worry about it unto i get in!! Well she was obviously major wrong.</p>

<p>This is so important to me because my family makes about 25K per year (family of 4). i cannot even dream about going to private school if i dont get aid…</p>

<p>my question is what do i need to do specifically for darmouth (or if you know for penn/cornell/brown/northwestern/Johnshop/nyu) besides fasfa. i am finishing css profile now.</p>

<p>any steps, even the basics i need to know!!</p>

<p>thanks everyone</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it. The first thing to do is call the school. For almost every school I’ve applied to, the only thing that happens when you turn in the financial applications late is that you don’t get your package at the same time as your acceptance.</p>