<p>like i m in grade 12 and i m writing my SATs for the first time... i m going to do maths this december and then SAT 1 in jan and then chemistry and physics in may..... will i be able to apply to a uni in the ivy league or universities like MIT. with my scores of chem and physics which will be given out in the end of may.. please help!!!!! i m worried sick</p>
<p>did you check the application deadlines of the schools you want to apply to? Most deadlines are in Jan, some are Dec for scholarship considerations.</p>
<p>No, college decisions for the Fall of 09 come out in March/April. Applications must be in at most by January 1.</p>
<p>“In order to apply for freshman admission, you must take the required tests on or before the November test date for Early Action or the January test date for Regular Action.” MIT</p>
<p>Do you have ACT? or A level?</p>