Urgent help needed!!!

<p>I want to major in international business, and i'm thinking mostly of management. I don't really know what schools to apply to, since a lot of the rankings I've seen are for graduate program. I really need your help!</p>

<p>my SAT scores are:
CR 680 (urgh)
M 770
W 750</p>

<p>taking it over again for the last time in dec</p>

French 720
US Hist 790
Math IIC don't know my scores yet</p>

<p>ACT don't know my scores yet </p>

<p>GPA 5.0</p>

<p>Rank 1/744 no ties (school in Southern California)</p>

<p>I have a few leadership positions (president of some clubs) but nothing fancy, earth shattering or over the top. I speak 3 languages fluently. I received a few awards for French National competition, history and debate. </p>

<p>4 and 5s on all 8 AP tests I've took so far (4 on French Lang, French Lit, English Lang, and Chemistry; 5 on Psychology, Chinese Lang, US Hist and European Hist)</p>

<p>I also want the school to provide a lot of internship opportunities, so most likely a school in the east coast or big cities? </p>

<p>Any suggestions for me? Thanks.</p>

<p>Look up undergraduate rankings for business. If you choose International Business, you will have to double major in another business. In your case, I am assuming Management.</p>

<p>Oh thanks. I will :slight_smile: If there’s a school that I’m applying to that doesnt allow me to do that, it is better to start off as a major in business or in international studies? or does it not matter?</p>

<p>Most business schools will let you double major. Make a list of all the schools you may want to go to or you may want to know more about here. </p>

<p>An International studies major is basically political science classes with international emphasis. Are you interested in international affairs, politics, etc.?</p>

<p>I’m not too sure yet. I think that it’s safer to go into business. but I’m going to find out in college whether I would go into the business world or the political realm. That’s kind of why I’m thinking of double majoring, or minoring.</p>