[URGENT] Important question choosing the school

<p>I am applying to UIUC</p>

<p>I contacted UIUC office, and they said they only consider Verbal and Maths scores. Thanks god (My writing score is 470)</p>

<p>I have maths score of 800 (99%), and verbal of 580
I am Korean by the way.</p>

<p>But I now have huge problem choosing school.
There are many programs in engineering school
For science school (LAS)
They have mathematics and Computer sience. (Middle 50% SAT score 1110~1340)</p>

<p>On the other hand Engineering programs have middle 50% Sat score of 1270 ~ 1480</p>

<p>AND I AM 1380....
My gpa is 4.0/4,0 and rank at least TOP3 out of 60</p>

<p>What is your recommandation
Take adventure? or be safer ?</p>

<p>**** I also want to know which engineering program will be less competitive</p>

<p>Aerospace engineering
Civil engineering
Computer engineering
Computer science
Electrical engineering
Engineering mechanics
Engineering physics
General engineering
Industrial engineering
Materials science and engineering
Mechanical engineering
Nuclear engineering</p>

<p>(quite interest in Mechanical Engineering, will it be competitive comparing to other engineering courses?)</p>

<p>What major do you want to apply for? Except for bioengineering, your class rank and SAT score are fine for engineering giving you a very good chance of admission. Bioengineering is a new program that takes only a small number of students (to be increased as the program grows) and, unlike other programs, favors Illinois residents over others (that will also phase out as the program grows). It is somewhat easier to be admitted to Nuclear Engineering, Engineering Physics, General Engineering and Industrial Engineering (those two are becoming essentially one starting next semester under a new name Industrial and Enterprise Sytems Engineering) , Engineering Mechanics (which will be in the same department as the Mechanical Engineering program effective August 2006) and Materials Science and Engineering than the others. Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science would be considered the most competitive (although that is beginning to change somewhat as number of applicants to those programs has begun to decrease). Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace is in between. If you want to do engineering, I would say go for it.</p>