<p>I am applying to UIUC</p>
<p>I contacted UIUC office, and they said they only consider Verbal and Maths scores. Thanks god (My writing score is 470)</p>
<p>I have maths score of 800 (99%), and verbal of 580
I am Korean by the way.</p>
<p>But I now have huge problem choosing school.
There are many programs in engineering school
For science school (LAS)
They have mathematics and Computer sience. (Middle 50% SAT score 1110~1340)</p>
<p>On the other hand Engineering programs have middle 50% Sat score of 1270 ~ 1480</p>
<p>AND I AM 1380....
My gpa is 4.0/4,0 and rank at least TOP3 out of 60</p>
<p>What is your recommandation
Take adventure? or be safer ?</p>
<p>**** I also want to know which engineering program will be less competitive</p>
<p>Aerospace engineering
Civil engineering
Computer engineering
Computer science
Electrical engineering
Engineering mechanics
Engineering physics
General engineering
Industrial engineering
Materials science and engineering
Mechanical engineering
Nuclear engineering</p>
<p>(quite interest in Mechanical Engineering, will it be competitive comparing to other engineering courses?)</p>