URGENT Jan. '07 Essay Question

<p>It's my first post but I've been hanging aroud for a while. I took the December 2007 test and ended up with a 2200. I had an 11 essay and ended up with 760 on writing, 760 on CR, and a 680 on the math.</p>

<p>I was hoping to improve the math score this time but I fear that my score may have decreased in the other two categories. I didn't finish my essay...I was three-quarters of the way through my second contention. I had discussed the New Deal and was getting to minimum wage. I didn't have the opportunity to start a conclusion...anyone have experience in a similar situation? I was curious about what unfinished essays can get. I've searched around but most people end up finishing their second reason. On my 11, I utilized 2 examples...this time I had planned on doing the same.</p>

<p>I already know I got 2-4 wrong on the CR...but some may be in the experimental section. I'm pretty sure I did quite well on the writing MC. I'm pretty sure that if you get all of the MC questions right, nothing above an 8 will drop your score. Does anyone know how much the essay truly impacts the writing score? </p>

<p>Last question...I know colleges "take the best score from every section," but every score does in fact go on the score report they receive. Do you think that I shouldn't cancel just to get the math score? I already have the 2 760s in the other categories and just want a combined of 2300+. If they don't notice that much of a decrease in the CR and writing....is it that much of a problem that the scores have decreased on the second sitting? Thanks!</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone else. I need to know because I am seriously debating cancellation and the deadline is in 2 hours and 15 minutes [12AM EST]</p>

<p>Most schools take your best scores. Period. This means that any lower score is completely disregarded. If you go down on the second testing in a particular section, it doesn't change things. You've already shown adcoms how well you can do when you do your best, and that's all they want to know. My suggestion: don't cancel. You've got nothing to lose.</p>

<p>BallPlayer, thanks so much. I felt the same way about the test last time and also considered cancelling but I finished the essay then...it's reassuring at the least...</p>

<p>zachs... when you got a 2200 on the last SAT.. do you remember how many questions you got wrong in each seciton..math,reading, and writing..it would be really helpful if you could tell me that, because im trying to figure out approximately how well i did last weekend...thanks</p>

<p>i don't have the exact numbers on me but i think i omitted one each on math and CR. i then got 6 wrong on math and 3 wrong on CR. i got an 11 on the essay and several wrong in the writing section...hope that helps.</p>