Urgent! need help deciding between 2 nursing programs/colleges before August 1st

so I enrolled in University of Delaware for nursing 4-year program. However, was just accepted to Rutger Newark nursing program. If it were New Brunswick I would switch in a heartbeat but idk if i’ll get the college experience in Newark. Its important to me since I feel like I still need to “discover myself” as I didn’t have much of a “high school experience”. I really need input on how the UDEL nursing program is compared to Rutgers Newark? Here are my pros and cons:

Udel: pros: “college experience”, new environment/fresh start, study abroad, guaranteed dorming

cons: nursing program is starting over with new classes/curriculum (Idk if i should trust a newly designed program), very little diversity, might not like being far from the city (im from north jersey), out of state tuition (although i was offered quite a bit of scholarship/grant money), would have to drive myself or carpool to clinicals since no transportation in that area.

Rutgers Newark pros: program ranked one of the best in the country and I trust it, close to city/ ny job opportunities, very diverse, in state tuition
cons: no study abroad, housing not guaranteed (I dont have a car but its 20 mins away), area not very safe

I mainly really want to find out whats up with the UDEL nursing program, how is it and is it dumb for me to turn down Rutgers given how competitive it is??? ANY input is appreciated!!!

Are they both direct admit?

Yes both program are direct admit

Would you live on campus at Rutgers Newark?
What’s the cost difference and how do you pay for it (college savings, parents savings, parents’income, federal loans, parents loans?)

I don’t have a car so I have to try to live on campus. But since it’s july and Rutgers goes by housing lottery they prob don’t have space. I have to apply for housing but it’s unlikely.
UDEL is about 24k but that’s if I keep a 3.0 gpa to keep my scholarship and if I still get grant. I read an article that tuition for nursing students in their program my increase for some reason???
Rutgers is 22k last time I checked but it’s In state so it could prob be lowered. They didn’t give me scholarship which is odd considering my stats are way higher than their average. (and I don’t mean that pretentiously) Maybe it’s bc I’m in nursing?
My dad is paying and wants to use loans. He says he’ll take care of it but the thing is he’s also paying for my older sister at William Paterson who plans on going to PT school in 2 years and I told him I don’t want to be debt bc I plan on going to grad school but he says I’ll be fine.

True that University of Delaware is raising tuition for some majors including nursing. Better plan for that. It has the campus living part you want and the substitute for your lack of a high school experience. Clinicals aren’t right away so you could get a car or arrange transportation. That said it is OOS tuition and you plan to go to grad school and will need money for that. Looking at stats for women and safety University of Delaware is better. If you live 20 minutes away from RU @N you probably know how Rutgers Newark is in that regard. If you won’t get housing and don’t have a car how will you get to school in Newark? Where did you find out that Delaware’s program has changed? Delaware would be better socially and in-state may be better option for you financially. Both have good nursing programs

both admitted students day and orientation they told us that they changed classes and that the curriculum is population based now or something like that. The academic advisor told us straight up that we cant really ask older students about classes since ours is different now. that kinda worried me. i like how Rutgers has a good reputation and they have a lot of alumni that took the same curriculum which could help. the only different thing i see between NB and Newark for nursing is the facilities for labs and stuff and maybe study abroad which i really wanna do. i don’t know much else though and im hoping someone can let me know before i make this decision. im torn because i want to grow as a person and become independent and enjoy college life but then again maybe I should probably do whats right financially and career-wise so that i can travel and enjoy life after these 4 years are over?

I might not even have an option since without housing at Newark since I don’t have a car.

Another thing i notice is while UDEL has plenty of life on campus theres nothing going on out of campus. on the other hand, Rutgers Newark is sorta the opposite not much inside but its right next to the city.

I spent several hours today in center city Newark, and it has greatly improved. Many new apartments are being built n the city, and the downtown feels much safer than 10 and 15 years ago. A big new commercial complex was built west of the downtown. They really have tried to turn Rutgers-Newark into a real campus. The PATH train also provides a cheap connection into Manhattan.

U. Del.'s nursing program has an excellent reputation and is extremely competitive for OOS admission. I really like the town.

By the way, Rutgers Camden just finished a fancy new nursing building.

what is their excellent reputation based on? I didn’t really get any specific info from people other than “its a good program” the two things that makes me weary is the new curriculum and the nclex pass rate is 85% which isn’t that bad but Rutgers is always like 95% and above.

The 2k difference isn’t worth upending your organization one month before school starts, trying to find housing at Newark etc. Stay with UDel for now - since Rutgers is in-state you may be able to transfer back in and since you didn’t get a scholarship it’d still be the same cost as now. Just make sure to do very well your first year :slight_smile:

For studying abroad …

I don’t know how flexible nursing programs are with that - you would want to check since once clinicals gear up it’s tough to get off the train. It’s one thing to study abroad as a history major, another thing to do it with a fairly regimented program.

If you don’t study abroad, you can certainly vacation abroad once you are out of school. :wink:

my sister and her friend who just finished up a nursing program both think I should go with Rutgers since its closer and will be cheaper since its in-state and UDEL plans on increasing tuition for nurses. along with its reputation.

I’m still on the fence :frowning: Rutgers doesn’t accept out of school transfers so if I don’t like UDEL I’ll have to transfer as a regular student and have a very low chance of getting into the program. Thats why theres that part of me that says you got into a program that accepted 50 out of 3000 applicants! go! and then the other part that says do i want to be at the newark campus/ stay in NJ? is it worth commuting for a year until housing is available? is it worth giving up a college life if New Brunswick won’t let me transfer to their campus? If I knew more about the Rutgers program and if there is anything that makes it extraordinary compared to UDEL, then I would feel more confident in making a decision.

I sent an email/ personal statement to an admissions counselor at New Brunswick after my portal said I was not admitted off the waitlist. She said they anticipate using the waitlist in the next couple of days to build the class and that students will be notifies through email. Chances are probably slim to none at this point in the summer.

also a little bit about how I felt on each campus if intuition and physical reactions mean anything. When I went to UDEL while the campus was overwhelming bc I was in a new state and there was so much info thrown at us, it felt like a nice traditional college atmosphere and experience. The lack of diversity really sucked tho and outside of campus felt like a ghost town. When it came to the nursing program, however, for some reason I became really uneasy when they said they were changing the curriculum (now theres no established reputation since we are the first class experiencing it) and that the nclex pass rate was 85% probably bc I read that it was 92% before that. Clinical now start sophomore year actually. There volunteering and work requirements as well I believe.

Rutgers: the campus was obviously less overwhelming bc Ive lived in north jersey since I was born and all the buildings are close. It kinda had a NY vibe which was great. Im probably going to see many people from my high school which is really really NOT great lol. Dorms and campus in general obviously not as great as UDEL and not in good condition. The diversity was waaaaay better and comforting. When it came to the program, I felt so much trust like I was in really good hands and they made it clear we were lucky to be accepted.

I think this is why I wanted New Brunswick so much. Its kinda like an in between. Far enough away to dorm and be independent but I can get home and visit NYC in like an hour or less. Friends from high school but the campus is huge so I would meet a ton of other people. Tons of college life in addition to a great program and academics. very good diversity.

It sounds like you want to go to Rutgers

I feel like I want the UDEL campus and life but I want the Rutgers program. I know that I should be paying for academics not social life but I think social aspects of college are important as well. and its always good to get out of your comfort zone. Ive been in NJ all my life.


You can search this site for previous posts about different programs. Here’s an example, about UDel.

Many nursing programs have been updating their curriculum to provide more direct preparation for the certification exam.

At this point my dad and I aren’t sure if its worth the trouble switching. I couldn’t really find much detail on either nursing program. I know the differences of the campuses. Would someone who loves the city feel out of place or “trapped” at UD? Also, if it makes a difference, I am an introvert so idk which school would help me grow without overwhelming me.

What r the chances of getting off the waitlist for NB nursing this summer? I thought they were done but the email the admissions counselor sent me said different. idk if I should even get my hopes up.

The 2k difference makes the bother of switching really more a plus for UDel.
And you can wait for news from NB while still at UDel.
Students at UDel love that thy have a college town within walking distance.
Anyone who is bored on a residential campus has a problem, considering how much there is to do (films, crafts, volunteering, parties, clubs, sports, conferences by famous speakers…)

It sounds like you want to go to Rutgers

Anyone know if there is a big difference between the two nursing programs? or anything special about each one. If Rutgers program is really that much better or extraordinary than I might consider switching if not than I guess it wouldn’t make any sense to lose my deposit payments.

All your comments have been very helpful btw. I appreciate them all so much.