<p>I'm taking bio tomorrow and I've practiced both E and M. I've been getting more questions on E correct than on M, but everyone is saying that the M curve is much more lenient.</p>
<p>What should I take? I'm afraid if I take E and make dumb mistakes, the harsh curve will just kill me, but I don't feel confident taking M.. though my HS bio mark has always been in the 90s. Please help!!</p>
<p>Bio E= easier but harsh curve like you said
Bio M= harder with better curve</p>
<p>It’s really your decision</p>
<p>How much easier is the M curve? Can you give me an estimate, like -5=700 M and -3=700 E, or something like that? It would be very helpful</p>
<p>I’m not sure exactly but I think I read -5=800 M and -4=800 E somewhere.</p>
<p>ohh, so it’s not a huge difference then! phew! I though it was like a 3 question difference or more. Okay, I’m probably taking E then since I feel more comfortable with that.</p>
<p>Any other opinions? I would appreciate it !</p>
<p>I would take Bio-E. If you look at percentiles, a score in Bio-E is a higher percentile than the equal score in Bio-M. That, combined with you getting more Bio-E questions correct makes me think E is definitely the right decision.</p>
<p>Also, here’s raw score and scaled score on each test from my Blue Book: If you don’t know, skipped question means raw score goes down 1, wrong answer is - 1.25.</p>
<p>So the curve is barely any better.</p>
<p>Wow, thank you so much! I’m going to take a final practice test now, the one from the blue book-I’ve been saving this one and I’ve done the 2 from PR already.</p>
<p>Thanks again! Now I don’t feel bad for choosing E 
I definitely get a lot more questions on E right then M, plus I’m not a faster read or like the lab-type questions, which are more frequent on M.</p>
<p>E for the win!</p>
<p>BY THE WAY: is the data for the curve you posted from this year? or is it from another year? I just want to know how recent that is and how much the curve may vary for this year. thanks</p>
<p>My book is outdated, '05-'06 (!!!). The percentiles I posted are not, however.</p>
I’ve been getting mid to high 600s on Princeton Review practice bio E tests, but I just took the bio E practice test from College Board (the blue book) and got 760.
(note: both were done under the same conditions-timed, in a quiet room, same pencils, eraser, etc.-even the same chair lol)</p>
<p>Which one is more accurate: PR or CB??
Please help, I’m taking biology tomorrow morning!</p>