<p>I can't submit my CSS Profile because when I click submit, it takes me to a page where it states information that I am missing. The information I am missing are businesses that my parents own. I already filled out Business 1. However, it states that I need to submit Business 2 through 5 information, but my parents do not own anything else. What do I do? HELP!</p>

<p>All I can think of is to put “0” in every box, but I don’t know much, if anything, about this either.</p>

<p>There is a dropdown box on one of the pages related to parental income that asks how many businesses your parents own. Because those boxes will sometimes take a scroll-down or arrow-down as input, you may have accidentally marked it as “5”. Check to make sure it’s “1” and see if that fixes.</p>

<p>On the blue bar towards the top is says “Application”. Right under that it says “Back to Registration”. Scroll through each of the screens in the “Registration” section and you will be able to change the number of businesses. I just did it myself…</p>