<p>Take the third. Berkeley states IGETC does not fulfill their GE requirements.</p>
<p>EDIT: I retract this statement. IGETC does fulfill all GE/breadth requirements for particular majors. But for same, like schools, i.e. Haas, it does not fulfill all their requirements.</p>
<p>Requirements for the College of Letters and Science are divided into four areas:</p>
<p>1) Reading and Composition (R&C);<br>
2) Quantitative Reasoning (QR);<br>
3) Foreign Language (FL); and<br>
4) The Seven-Course Breadth Requirement. </p>
<li>R&C, QR, and FL must be satisfied by the end of the spring term that precedes
your first semester at UC Berkeley.</li>
<li>The Seven-Course Breadth Requirement must be completed before graduation from
Berkeley. - NOTE: completion of IGETC (certified by your community college) satisfies all
of these requirements. See majors in other colleges for their breadth
<p>However, it should be noted that it also says.</p>
Courses that satisfy this requirement: |ENGLISH 1A + 1B + 1C = UCB R1A + R1B
|(1A + 1B, 1A + 1C, OR 1B + 1C = 1/2
|NOTE: Satisfies this requirement
|effective fall 2007. </p>
<p>EDIT: For certain majors, i.e. Busi Admin, IGETC does not fulfill breadth requirements. However, it does for CLAS. Pardon my earlier hasty generalization.</p>
<pre><code> GE/Breadth Articulation Agreement
Effective during the 08-09 Academic Year
====General Education/Breadth====
<p>Primarily, these are the breadth requirements for the College of Letters &
Science only. Applicants to majors offered by the College of Chemistry, College
of Engineering, College of Environmental Design, College of Natural Resources
and HAAS School of Business should check the individual agreements for any
exceptions and breadth requirement guidelines.</p>
<p>**- NOTE: completion of IGETC (certified by your community college) satisfies all
of these requirements. See majors in other colleges for their breadth
<p>This would indicate that completion of IGETC does fulfill all GE requirements for CLAS. However the fact that the agreement ALSO states that you need to take three courses to fulfill the R&C requirement conflicts with the previous statement.</p>
<p>Oh I see, so it basically says that with the IGETC, the r and c requirement is done…because all the other things are breadth reqs, not the IGETC…right?</p>
<p>The agreement says that for CLAS, IGETC fulfills ALL four (RC, QR, FL, Breadth) requirements. However, the agreement also says that three courses are required at your CCC to fulfill the RC requirement. So the questions is, “does IGETC, which requires only 2 courses, truly fulfill the RC requirement, which requires 3 courses?” It’s unclear.</p>
<p>We are back to the same question you asked in your first post. Sorry for not being able to offer anymore help.</p>
<p>but think about it…the RC requirement is only for those who are doing BREDTH requirment…that’s what all of the requirements are for…
so…shouldn’t it only be IGETC?</p>
<p>RC is not a part of the “Seven-Course Breadth Requirement.”</p>
<p>It’s possible that the statement …</p>
<p>“- NOTE: completion of IGETC (certified by your community college) satisfies all
of these requirements. See majors in other colleges for their breadth
<p>… specifically refers only to the seven-course breadth requirement. This does not include the remaining RC and QR requirement. </p>
<p>In fact, IGETC does not require one to take any math higher than intermediate algebra, so there is no way IGETC will always meet the QR requirement. QR is required for entry to Berkeley.</p>
<p>Based on this, I think that you do need to take the third course. But I can’t say for sure, sorry.</p>
<p>I thought the whole point of IGETC was that it’s universally accepted by all UC’s and CSU’s to satisfy breadth/GE requirements in full. Otherwise, what’s the point of Berkeley even using that form if they have their own way of dealing with breadth/GE requirements?</p>
<p>To add to the confusion, Assist also says:</p>
<p>“You may satisfy the first half of this requirement with a score of 4 on the AP
Exam in English Literature & Composition, or a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Exam in
English Language & Composition.”</p>
<p>If they require 3 courses, how can you satisfy half of three courses with AP credit? That means half to them is defined as one out of the 3 courses or two out of 3 courses.</p>
<p>I know this thread is a bit old but I came across it on google and would like to share some information that I know to be true.</p>
<p>Haas will NOT accept the IGETC. So don’t plan to use it for Business Administration, you can however use it for Economics at Berkeley. This means that transferring between the colleges at Berkeley isn’t possible. </p>
<p>This is preventing me from going there because I only took two years of a foreign language in high school, and the english requirements are different than what I was told. </p>
<p>Here is an example based on my particular CCC.</p>
<p>English/Reading and Composition (R & C)
Engl 1A + Engl 3 + Engl 7 = UCB R1A +R1B </p>
<p>Scoring a 5 on the “English COMPOSITION and LITERATURE” AP Exam replaces English R1A-R1B according to Haas. </p>
<p>That same AP Exam only satisfies Engl 1A and 3 at my CCC. For IGETC you can take Engl 4 or 7. I took 4 because it was a more interesting class, but it doesn’t count for Haas. </p>
<p>The catalog I’m using as a reference is a couple of years old but the campuses listed as not accepting IGETC are UCSD Eleanor Roosevelt and Revelle Colleges, and UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.</p>