<p>So I applied to Stanford SCEA and was deferred. I just got a merit-based $4,000 award from Intel Co. and they've asked to publish my name in the local newspaper and are going to feature me on their website. I was notified about this one week after the update form was due. Can I call Stanford at this point and let them know? Or would they not even take it into consideration? Thanks for helping me out!!</p>
<p>Of course tell them. It may not make any difference, but I would tell them anyway. Just fax them a note.</p>
<p>thanks! i just called their admissions office and they told me to fax it too.</p>
<p>yeah im not sure whether I should try to send in last minute awards also </p>
<p>Got into national finalist for Elks Foundation (3rd biggest scholarship charity foundation, Already guaranteed minimum of $7,800 through awards) and Comcast Leaders and Achievers $1k</p>
<p>which fax number would i use? And what exactly do I send them?</p>