Urgent Question: UC application Activity index

Hi All,
I have 2 works that I started in junior year. Now is my Summer before senior year, and I worked/will work 0 hour over this Summer. The reason of this is because I am traveling out-of-country to Taiwan for 1 month to visit my family and also “develop cultural awareness…etc” . I know putting 0 hour/week for work experience during Summer will hurt my admission chance. Therefore, I really hope I can explain that I did not work at all over Summer because I am traveling to other country and developing cultural awareness and all those good stuff.

HOW CAN I ACHIEVE THIS GOAL ? AND WHERE CAN I INCLUDE IT? (I don’t want to put it in personal statements because I have better stuff to talk about )


I heard from A LOT of people that I should travel abroad over Summer because such experience will “look good” on college application. I am traveling to Taiwan for 1 month this summer.

@ucbalumnus help me sir

Can you write about this in one of your personal insight questions? Skill or talent - bilingual? Is this a significant educational opportunity that you are taking advantage of? Helping the community - are you doing anything to help while in Taiwan?

I am a little confused by this question, OP. Are you concerned that you are not working at a job over the summer? If so, I don’t think it will help - or hurt - your application.

Or are you talking about some kind of academic “work” or project that has something to do with your academic goals?

One of my kids never worked the summers while in HS. Why do you think this will affect your admissions chances?

No tip for “developing cultural awareness.” You were from Taiwan, came here 5 years ago, presumably live elements of both Taiwanese and US culture daily. This is not like some kids on govt programs who go for specific cultural exchange goals, have target activities. Or kids who go to volunteer in their family countries.

“I heard from A LOT of people that I should travel abroad over Summer because such experience will “look good” on college application.” Check those sources.

OY…so what do you think you should be doing? You know…you are going to visit family in Taiwan. You can’t work this summer. So be it.

I doubt that your acceptance to college will hinge on working or traveling in the summer.