Urgent Question

<p>Alright so guys Im an excited freshmen at uw madison looking to get a good start to my college life. I'm in a fix.</p>

<p>Basically I'm getting credit for Math 221, which has topics I feel I have somewhat forgotten. However, I went through the course online and I feel I can cope with Math 222 this fall with a bit of revision/tutoring. However, I might not get Math 222 this late.</p>

<p>I'm thinking of applying to the alternative honors 276. What I dont know is will skiping 275 the first sequence in honors will be a bad idea. Will I be able to cope with this.</p>

<p>I am interested in the honors course simply because it is so detailed. However, will I be able to handle starting a detailed honors course from the middle.</p>

<p>Would love some feedback.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>You need to discuss this with your advisor, not us. Getting a 3 on the AP calc exam will get you 221 credit but doesn’t mean you have the same knowledge base as getting a 5 does. I know my son got the 5 and took 275 et al, later getting an Honors math degree. He also got credit for 221. The major difference in math sequences is theory/proofs versus problem solving base. Ask yourself (we don’t need any answers) what your goals are for calculus. Are you using it for another major or for math itself? Also check to see if 276 is even offered in the fall. Consider emailing the Honors math advisor and discussing this with him/her. btw- the AP version of calculus is just a basic college one, not all material covered in 221 is covered in it. Often students who “pass” the AP exam do take 221 instead of 222 since they don’t know as much and therefore struggle with 222. UW’s grad math dept has been nationally ranked about 15th so it is an above average one.</p>

<p>IMO 222 was easier than 221. Could have been the teacher. Final was not cumulative.</p>