urgent question!!!

<p>hey, iam a senior in HS right now and i plan on transferring to a different school at the end of my freshmen year at college. so since my SAT scores are bad, i wanted to improve them by taking the test for the 3rd time in June. do you think this is a bad idea? would it look bad at all if me ( a senior in hs) took the SATs again at june? thanks much.</p>

<p>no not really but I might also recommend trying the ACT if you can't bring the SAT score up. Also, taking the SAT >3 times is generally frowned upon.</p>

<p>I would have been inclined to answer your question if it wasn't for the deception in your thread's title and the lack of attention paid to what you actually typed.</p>

<p>well i guess its kind of "urgent" cuz i wud have to pay the late fee for SAT registration (which is total bs btw). sorry i shud have said that. and yeh brand_182, friends told me that as well but i have had other friends who told me that their scores were lower with the ACT and higher with the SAT. so idk, i think i just gonna have to stick with the SATS :-/</p>

<p>right...which means it varies by person. Depending on what your next SAT score is, I would consider the ACT. If you can get past the science portion, the math portion is not nearly as tricky as the SAT.</p>

<p>If you did good in science courses in HS then I would also recommend trying the ACT. The bonus is that if you do good you won't ever have to show anyone your subpar SAT scores.</p>