Urgent question

<p>ppl tell that in an additional rec letter it is not important who writes it but what it says. but don't u think that an additional rec from an alumni will raise our chances??thanks</p>

<p>The people that said “it’s not important who writes it but what it says” are absolutely right.
If both recs are going to be equal in quality, go for the one written by the alumni. But don’t just pick the alumni simply because you think it’ll give you an edge.
A superb letter from a regular high school teacher would be MUCH better than a run-of-the-mill rec from an alumni; no matter if it’s an additional rec or one of the required ones.</p>

<p>Certainly not at an ivy or other college that accepts fewer than 20%. I’ve seen this over and over for 3 decades–alumni letters do nothing with one exception–a letter from a large donor to the development office saying he/she supports you. As an alum of Penn who lives in a city where many apply, I’m asked by at least 5 people a year to write such letters. If they are good friends I do write the letter but I tell them that from years of observing, it will do nada.</p>

<p>helpful feedback. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve heard that what matters is the content and how amazing the endorsement is.</p>