Urgent questions about transcripts

My son has transcript from community college, if we send it to colleges via parchment how would they connect the dots and match with his profile?
Can I attach it to common app?
Is it not called official if I attach it even though it is official transcript I received via parchment?

You send it through Parchment as you mention. It will get attached to you student’s admissions file as it will contain identifying information. However, most colleges don’t require official transcripts to be sent until after admission, so definitely double check if this is required where your son is applying. If so, sending through Parchment is perfectly reliable.

They match it by name and date of birth?Parchment doesn’t have place to mention common App ID

Anything you send in - letters, resumes, what have you - all get matched by the school - just get it sent and they’ll do the rest.

You can always follow up afterward by email with admissions to make them aware.

But they are experts at building student files.


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