URGENT Stanford Requirment Question

<p>I read over the Stanford rquirements for their letter of recommendations. It says they require two letters of rec in two different subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Foreign Language, History/Social Sciences). My letters of recommendation come from my physics (Science) teacher and my computer science teacher. Do these two subjects fall under the same category? I'm thinking if they do and I cannot get a hold of another recommendation, I will send the two in and hope for the best.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help. I can't believe I was this negligent and didn't pay attention to their requirements the first time around.</p>

<p>Computer science is an elective course that you technically weren’t suppose to choose. So no, they aren’t under the same category, comp sci doesn’t fulfill it at all.</p>

<p>However, it is just a recommendation, not a requirement. And technically at some schools Comp Sci is a math subject. I think you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>^yea, but they would like a rec from a science/math teacher, and a rec from a humanities teacher. I would find a humanities teacher and get that rec mailed ASAP or you may be put in the auto reject pile.</p>

<p>I have a similar question. I have a history teacher and an economics teacher. I don’t know if economics is an elective, social science, or math course. On my transcript it says it is an elective but a couple colleges count it as a math while others as a social science.</p>

<p>Econ is a social science. Or at least at Stanford it is a social science major. You guys will all be fine. They just don’t want one rec from Pre Calc and another from Trig.</p>

<p>If worst comes to worst, I’ll still send in my recs from CompSci and Physics since they just might be considered different enough to fall under different categories. </p>

<p>@ Tboonepickens: It doesn’t specifically say they want a rec from a humanities teacher and one from a science/math teacher, it only makes you choose from the 5 or 6 different categories they have. For example, you can have a recs from a science teacher and a math teacher. </p>

<p>It’s too bad Stanford’s offices are closed or else I could have settled this matter very quickly. Does anyone have a definite answer as to whether CompSci and Physics fall under the same category. </p>

<p>btw Sazari please start a new thread if you have a question. I’m trying to keep this thread focused on my own dilemma.</p>

<p>Well… at some schools Computer Science is in the math department… however</p>

<p>Computer science is by, definition, a science and so is physics.</p>

<p>It’s really a toss up. To not be so literally though, it seems they would like recommendations from teachers who teach different fields so that they understand what kind of student you are across the board. What it will come down to is whether these recommendations can show that.</p>

<p>anyone else know for sure? There’s gotta some senior member around here that can make a more accurate prediction. Sorry to seem demanding but I’m pretty antsy.</p>