Urgent: TIME of application deadline?

<p>Hey guys, one of my friends is doing RD and she knows that the deadline is Dec. 31, but she doesn't know whether it means 11:59PM Dec. 30 or some time on Dec. 31. Please don't just say she shouldn't have waited this long, because she did, and now we have to make the best of it. So if anyone knows the time, please post it here. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>(And if you're wondering if I am another one of those ppl who pretends to be "a friend", I'm a SCEA deferral. Not that it matters.)</p>

<p>THANKS! :D</p>

<p>dont worry. youre not late. I have not subimitted it, either I think is is 11:59PM dec 31… but im not sure</p>

<p>which time zone? is it eastern time zone?</p>

<p>Yes, Eastern time zone. Florida.</p>

<p>just to be safe, assume eastern, cause that’s where yale is. but it may be your own time zone.</p>

<p>Postmark date is Dec. 31, which means as long as the app is mailed on the 31st, is is considered on time. I would assume that Yale would have the same policy for online applications.</p>

<p>lol if you’re worrying about time zone differences, then you better finish those apps PRONTO.</p>

<p>No, she lives in Eastern standard time zone. There is no worry there. But 11:59 Dec. 30 is quickly approaching. I’m not sure if her essays are quite done yet 0_o.</p>

<p>Wait, I thought it extended to Jan 4?? >.<</p>

<p>guys, the due date is December 31st. It is December 31st until 11:59:59 PM tomorrow! Just my way of seeing it. </p>

<p>And hipster: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/626875-deadline-extended.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/626875-deadline-extended.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The general consensus is try and get everything in tonight or tomorrow</p>

<p>Thanks guys for the prompt replies, even though no one has definite answers. I remember when I applied SCEA someone said they were due at 5PM on the evening of? Has anyone else heard that? Does it apply for RD too?</p>

<p>Yeah, I saw the deadline extended thread. Personally, I think it is some kid’s desperate attempt to eliminate some competition (I’m not talking about the person who originally posted it. I don’t know who made the website). It is sketchy and shouldn’t be taken seriously by anyone who wants a chance of being accepted.</p>

<p>yeah just get it in.</p>

<p>I’m sure my friend is working as hard as she can, but I don’t want her to have a heart attack if she doesn’t finish by midnight and it turns out that she can submit it tomorrow…</p>

<p>I guess no one knows anything specific then?</p>

<p>^Did your friend get the app done?</p>