<p>I have another question I was wondering if anyone can help me out with?
When I submitted my original application for the UCsI indicated that I was going to take Biology 6A for Winter 09. Now I've decided that I wanted to take Anthro. However when I deleted the original entry and added the Anthropolgy entry on the "In progress coursework" I can't indicate that the course IS UC TRANSFERRABLE. which it is, but i can't find the yellow ccct button that we had when we initially applied. I what's happening?</p>
<p>that happened to me too. just delete the anthro entry and try again</p>
<p>enter exactly as it is stated in the college catalog, the course title and the course description with capitals and everything else as it appears in the college catalog or schedule of classes</p>
<p>Trukeey when it happened to you and you deleted the entry and tried again, did it work?</p>
<p>it didn't work for me either so in the comments section i put "this class is California Community College Transferable"</p>
<p>ya, i just deleted the entry, logged out, and tried again. i had to try it like 2x, but it worked after that</p>