<p>I really really need some advice...it has been driving me crazy these past few days. OK... I have two classes that i want to take at my school but are at the same time (Hnrs Anatomy/Microbio and Hnrs Spanish 4). Which class do you think would look better on college apps? I am planning on majoring in biology (research). if i take the hnrs anatomy/microbio class, i will have taken every science class offered at my school. but, i don't know if i should just skip the last spanish class. don't colleges like to see four years of a foreign language? i really want to go to the University of Chicago, and when I tried calling them to ask for their opinion, they didn't really give a straight-forward answer. they just said to do what i want and to explain the circumstances on my app. but i feel that simply isn't enough. please help me out. i only have two days to decide!!!</p>
<p>please help!</p>
<p>Like they said... Just do what you want. Spanish may look slightly better on the app (simply because of 4 years of foreign lang.), but really... There is no big difference. 1 class isn't going to make or break your app. So take what you want. Anyways, they're both honors classes, so there's even less of a difference.</p>