URSC Linen Program


<p>I just checked out the URSC Linen website (University</a> of Southern California - The Original ? Offering extra long twin sheets, providing all your college and university bedding needs). These so-called "value paks" look rather expensive, as there seems to be a lot in them that I don't really need (I have my own pillow, for example). So I was thinking about ordering all the items I need one by one and take the rest from home. I read the bed sizes are non-standard and extra-long, so I already know that I have to buy their sheets. Is there anything else that I absolutely need to buy from them because of different sizes, etc.? I'm trying to save some money here ;)</p>



<p>Awelex, the only special thing you need is an extra-long twin bottom sheet. Regular twin top sheets and comforters work fine. You can find nice alternatives to order online, from a place like thecompanystore dot com. Look for their sale stuff. You would need to time the order to coincide with your arrival at USC, unless there’s someone at your apartment already who could receive them.</p>

<p>Awelex, Target and Bed & Bath carry the extra long sheets and other student dorm items during the summer. You’ll have a better choice in price range, thread count quality and sheet colours. Those “value paks” are expensive and not necessary.</p>

<p>awelex, I read the sheets from the linen program isn’t very good, so maybe you should consider getting them from the other stores. I think there are many posts on that subject so you can search under linens or bedsheets.
We got ours from Linen n Things and the quality isn’t bad. You might be able to get them on sale right now since they’re going out of business.
Are you getting a foam mattress pad? the mattress pad there is quite thin.
Bring some over the door hooks for hanging towels and stuff. My son’s chest of drawers don’t even open properly so his roommate lent him one of his extras drawers that hang in the closet. But since you’re in the apartment, maybe your furniture would be better.</p>

<p>Awelex, I just realized that you’re attending in spring. Are you sure that the beds in the apartment are also extra long like the ones in the dorms? Check out the stores I mentioned for extra long sheets, they may have some left in stock and may be on sale, Mervyn’s also had them.</p>

<p>Linens N Things has a going out of business sale. You can go on-line at Target, Macy’s, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. and have the items you want shipped to your new address. However, you need to check with USC to find out when your housing at USC will accept anything in the mail.</p>

<p>If it is a USC apartment, then they all are twin extra long beds. All of the beds in USC housing are the same size.</p>

<p>Oh, that’s very good to know. Thank you, everbody!</p>

<p>Okay, I’m giving up. After googling “top sheet” and “bottom sheet” and looking in countless dictionaries, I still don’t know what these things exactly mean. Either you guys in America make your beds quite different than we do here in Europe, or I’m just too stupid to understand.
Over here, we just put one sheet over the mattress, that’s it. So where exactly do you guys put the second one? And which one is the “top sheet”? Which one needs to be fitted? Really, I’m at a loss.</p>

<p>Oh gosh. That’s embarrassing :D</p>

<p>The “bottom sheet” has elastic so that it fits snugly over the mattress & doesn’t get “untucked” too easily. There are tons of places near campus where you can easily purchase the bedding–XL twin for the campus mattresses. Top sheets are the regular flat sheet that has no elastic.</p>

<p>You can purchase these items on-line as well. We didn’t use the URSC linen package because we felt it was over-priced. My kid likes flannel sheets, so I purchased 2 sets on-line, on sale around Dec/Jan before he started college @ about $10 apiece. We washed them & brought them up with us. If you’re flying to campus and might have more luggage than you’d like. you might do better to just buy the items in LA–they have tons of stores & good prices. Target has good prices and selection. There are other good places as well–Tuesday Mornings & others.</p>

<p>awelex - it’s okay if you continue to make your bed European style :slight_smile: My son actually uses just a bottom sheet and a duvet with a removable cover like you probably do at home. So if you already have a duvet, then you need only the bottom sheet. Lots of kids use a bottom and top sheet with a comforter over the top of that. The comforter doesn’t have a removable cover, which is why the top sheet is used. When shopping for them, they’re called “fitted” for the bottom and “flat” for the top. For the fitted sheet, you need Twin XL.</p>

<p>@HImom, FauxNom: Thank you two so much! Finally, it all makes sense :wink: Do you happen to know if there are some shops near campus that sell sheets? If not, I’ll probably order them online and try to time them with my arrival. And I guess if worst comes to worst I could improvise for a couple of days until I get the sheets.</p>

<p>The top sheet is to absorb your sweat(embarrasing smile here). My daughter has a duvet as well. But my DD does not sweat. She is cool as a cucumber. :D</p>

<p>I suggest you try to pack at least one set of sheets (fitted XL Twin sheet, one top sheet and a pillow case) in your suitcase. They don’t take much room. You can order the other stuff on-line and have it shipped to your address at USC. For the fall semester, USC had a bus to take the kids to Target to shop. You might want to inquire if USC is doing the same thing for the kids entering in the spring semester.</p>

<p>there isn’t any store within walking distance of the campus where you can buy the stuff.</p>

<p>If you have any friends already at USC, you can ask if you can have a package of your bedding mailed to them if you purchase on-line. I have also heard that USC had buses take kids to Target for shopping & the housing office should know whether this will be happening in Spring term or not. There is a DASH bus that serves USC–I’m not sure whether it goes to somewhere you could easily buy bedding, but you could ask housing that as well.
Housing does NOT want packages arriving before you hvae moved in–they will be returned to sender. I agree that you may wish to bring one set of bedding with you (doesn’t have to be XL, just twin sheets would work & you could tuck it in the bottom mattress.</p>

<p>There is a large department store called Macy’s that is a 10 minute drive or bus ride from campus. You will be able to find everything you need there at a reasonable price. They carry XL twin sheets, pillows, comforters, etc. It is a good area to find. Many students enjoy the California Pizza Kitchen restaurant that is nearby.</p>