US+Canada citizen applicant [living in Canada] with OK grades but high hopes: is Barnard/NYU too ambitious?

Not luck…more that your hard work has paid off!


HUGE update: got off the waitlist for NYU!!! They gave me a spot for the Liberal Studies Core in the spring cohort! I interpreted my waitlist decision back in march as a soft rejection, so I literally opened my letter between rugby games expecting a “We are very sorry to inform you blah blah blah” so I got stares from an entire fan section when I screeched. So over the moon right now! The major problem, however, is that my parents are 0% on board withe the NYC dream and we definitely can’t afford tuition, so I think I’m going to be declining my offer through sobs this weekend unless I win the lottery. The BA&Sc program at McGill also rejected me last week :frowning: I still got offered the BA program there but I like the idea of it a lot less… Anyways, for now I have deposits down at UofT, McGill and University of Iowa (my parents double checked with each one that this didn’t violate any policy or rule, my family situation is VERY complicated at the moment in ways I don’t particularly want to get into, so we couldn’t make a final final decision until closer to my graduation). I have to make a decision within the next two weeks and I feel absolutely paralyzed to be honest. Iowa looks like such a cute campus and city, and it’s close to family, but the biology program there is not particularly renowned. UofT’s biology program is excellent (arguably slightly better than McGill’s would have been) but everyone seems to complain about living in Toronto. McGill is great and I adore Montreal, but to be honest I am NOT impressed by how literally anything was handled by their admissions department, plus they didn’t offer me my first choice program. NYU is my dream school, love the location and the program (even the Liberal Studies Core, as it would give me lots of time to settle on a major and guarantees I finish my Bachelor’s at CAS, plus I actually really really like the idea of a gap semester since I’m suffering really badly from burnout), but according to my parents it’s completely unaffordable. I was CONVINCED that I could see myself everywhere I applied, but now that I have to make a decision I’m stumped. Help!

I haven’t read all the posts on this thread, but you may find it useful (and give you some ideas) to try and help resolve the indecision: Admitted student decision paralysis

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