<p>I'm hoping they'll print at least one of the responses they get, and I'm sure they'll be getting several (the EIC of the Argus wrote a very nice one).</p>
<p>Anyway, here's mine:</p>
<p>Dear Editor,</p>
<p>I read with considerable disappointment John Leo's January 10, 2005 "Campus Life: Fully Exposed". I'm a sophomore at Wesleyan. The column was pointed out to me by several people, and I thought it looked rather familiar. As it would turn out, Mr. Leo was beaten to the punch by a September 6, 2004 article in the right-wing rag "Front Page Magazine" by Mike Adams, entitled "The C-Word at Wesleyan U".</p>
<p>Front Page Magazine may be willing to let its writers produce a full-column diatribe against a specific university, but I would expect US News to hold its people to higher standards. Mr. Leo may appear to have the inside scoop because his daughter just graduated, but it's obvious that he took at face value several campus hoaxes and urban lengeds (such as the now-infamous, but alas, still fictional naked dorm) which simply don't exist, and never did exist, in reality.</p>
<p>He also seems to take the presence of Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender groups and events as intrinsically negative. I'll concede one point to him: there is very little tolerance on campus for the commonly-held right-wing point of view that homosexuality and "sexual confusion", as Mr. Leo calls it, is wrong. If he wants to accuse us of stifling debate on this issue, then I suppose we're guilty as charged.</p>
<p>That being said, there were Bush supporters on our campus in 2004. They were in the minority, as they were on every college campus and in every urban area in the northeast. Nonetheless, there were civilly-conducted exchanges in the campus newspaper between Bush and Kerry supporters. I myself, a moderate-to-liberal Democrat, have never felt squeamish about expressing my opinion when I disagree with the so-called "campus orthodoxy" and neither do many, many other students. Has John Leo ever read the "Wespeaks" section of the Argus?</p>
<p>I will close by saying that if Mr. Leo has a complaint about Wesleyan, he would do best to direct it to the someone on the campus instead of broadcasting it in US News. I personally think that a nationally-circulated weekly newsmagazine is not the proper venue to dissect the day to day life of a private university.</p>