Us UCLA admits need to have a celebration

<p>w00t! </p>

<p>Ain't nothin like a gangsta partay</p>

<p>foreals. lets party it up!</p>


<p>Major Psychology: GPA 3.5ish</p>

<p>someone's dorm when we get in??</p>

<p>^hahhaa Im downnn</p>

<p>yea man! a party where everyone wears a nametag with their CC name haha!</p>

<p>our first priority:
someone start a facebook transfer group</p>

<p>^ im doing it, ill be up in 2 secs</p>

<p>Login</a> | Facebook</p>

<p>yah yuh!(10char)</p>

<p>oh, for SURE! we all have to meet up at UCLA!!!</p>

<p>then you guys can see that i'm a girl and let this whole issue die, haha.</p>

<p>haha yeah, a legendary CC meetup is in order</p>

<p>I'd love to meet all you guys. ^I'm a girl too, not sure why people presume that I'm a guy. :/</p>

<p>Hey, I clickd on the facebook link but it won't show up.</p>

<p>hell yeah. meet ups! lets do it. ill bring my camera haha</p>

<li>AHL</a> Productions</li>

<p>samus: I thought you were a guy. Maybe it's the first part that I keep hearing. "Sam".</p>

<p>lol don't assume with the screenname!</p>

<p>Don't you guys play Metroid Prime? Samus Aran is a woman -which is where i got the name. :]</p>

<p>samus is a freaking babe.</p>

<p>I feel so sad and leftout. I got rejected X(.</p>